Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JEREMIAS 29:11
What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?
3 Days
If you ever wonder what it means to really follow Jesus, you’re not alone. We tend to make this harder than it is. In this short Plan, we will learn how Jesus calls us to follow Him, and His heart behind making such a bold request.
Vivendo os planos em Deus
3 Dias
Não está a viver a realidade que deseja no seu coração? Os planos que fez para a sua vida nesta estação? Este plano mostra-nos onde tem de estar a nossa motivação e o nosso foco, para que os anseios de nosso coração possam ser respondidos. Venha estudar comigo!
Growing Your Faith
4 Days
The Bible has a lot to say about how we grow our faith and be fully devoted to Jesus. As He transforms us from the inside out, He invites us to be a part of the process. In this 4-Day Bible Plan, we’ll dive into what it means to follow Him daily and live a Christ-centered life.
Fazendo Prova Com Deus
4 Dias
Alguma vez na sua vida, já duvidou de Deus? Da Sua existência? Ou talvez alguém, perante perguntas difíceis, já deixaram com dúvidas sobre a existência d'Ele? Neste plano quero contar-lhe a minha experiência pessoal de como eu passei a acreditar na existência do Criador. Vamos lá?
Experiencing God's Renewal
5 Days
Being a new creation in Christ means that we are being constantly renewed through Him. God renews our hearts, minds, and body. He even renews our purpose. During this 5-day Bible Plan, you will dive deeper into what God's Word says about renewal. Each day, you will get a Bible reading and a brief devotional that will help reflect on the different ways we experience God's renewal. For more content, check out
Grief Bites: Hope for the Holidays
5 Days
For many, the holidays are a time of great joy...but what happens when the holidays lose their sparkle and become challenging due to deep grief or loss? This special reading plan will help those going through grief to find comfort and hope for the holidays, and shares how to create a meaningful holiday season in spite of deep grief.
Everybody Wants To Win But Nobody Wants To Wait
5 Days
Through these comprehensive daily readings, learn how to wait on God's timing in all aspects of life, from healing to relationships. Discover how to make the most of the waiting season and pray according to God's will. This devotional is based on Everybody Wants to Win, But Nobody Wants to Wait by Marcus Gill.
The Power of Vision
5 Days
Vision is the single most important factor that differentiates good leaders from great ones. Explore the process that God uses to birth vision in the life of Christians.
Certainty In Times Of Uncertainty
5 Days
In the midst of uncertainty, God is certain! Join David Villa in his latest plan as he looks past uncertainty and negativity in order to reach something greater.
Our God Reigns
5 Days
This five-day reading plan focuses on the promises of Jesus and nature, and the character of God, regardless of who is president, prime minister, or monarch at any time.
Living Changed: At Christmas
5 Days
In all the holiday hustle and bustle, it can be easy to lose sight of why we’re celebrating. In this 5-day advent plan, we’ll dive into the promises fulfilled by the birth of Jesus and the hope we have for the future. As we learn more about who God is, we’ll discover how to live through the holiday season with hope, faith, joy, and peace.
A Esperança É A Última A Morrer
5 Dias
Deus quer fazer coisas grandes e belas com a sua vida, então vale a pena continuar com uma esperança viva, de que Deus sempre virá, no Seu tempo, para fazer o que prometeu.
Fortalecendo O Casamento Pela Palavra De Deus
5 Dias
Como esposas de fé, somos chamadas a confiar em Deus em cada aspeto dos nossos casamentos. Este devocional oferece reflexões e desafios práticos para fortalecer a sua mente, renovar a sua comunicação e cultivar a gratidão, enquanto cresce em resiliência e esperança. Caminhe na confiança de que Deus está a trabalhar no seu relacionamento, moldando-os para o futuro que Ele planeou.
Why Does God Love Me?
5 Days
Questions: When it comes to God, we all have them. Given our comparison-driven culture, one of the most personal questions we may find ourselves asking is, “Why does God love me?” Or maybe even, “How could He?” Over the course of this plan, you’ll engage with a total of 26 Scripture passages—each one speaking the truth of God’s unconditional love for you.
Caminhe Em Direção Da Cura
6 Dias
Quaisquer que sejam as suas feridas, o caminho para a cura é por meio do perdão, o primeiro passo inevitável. Significa "receber o perdão de Deus e deixar a Sua realidade penetrar no mais profundo do nosso ser". Por outras palavras, diga adeus ao passado e entre no caminho da cura.
Mães, Vocês Não Estão Sozinhas!
6 Dias
Este plano incentiva mães a confiarem em Deus para se reinventarem e, inevitavelmente, se tornarem as melhores ao criarem filhos felizes e prósperos.
Travel Light
7 Days
In a crowded Christmas season, most of us feel the stress and anxiety of family relationships, financial pressure, hasty decisions, and disappointed expectations. So go ahead. Take a breath. Start this Life.Church Bible Plan and realize the weight we feel may be something God never asked us to carry. How about we let go of the baggage? Let’s travel light.
Living Changed: After Divorce
7 Days
Divorce grieves the heart of God. He hates seeing us in pain and holding onto guilt, shame, and fear. Despite our mistakes, He longs for us to accept His grace and know we are valued, cherished, and irreplaceable. No matter your circumstances, this plan will help you find healing from your divorce, so you can live the redeemed life God has for you—one full of hope, joy, and purpose.
Good News: Encouragement for a World in Crisis
7 Days
We’re living in an unprecedented time because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Where do we find hope and “good news” in the middle of a continual stream of bad news? For followers of Jesus, there is always Good News. In this 7-day Plan, we’ll dive into some promises we find in our good God and the faith we’ll need to stand on them.
Dream Big with Bob Goff
7 Days
Learn to define clearly your dreams for yourself. Identify the obstacles holding you back. Come up with a specific plan for reaching goals. Develop the tools that will help you act on the plan.
7 Dias
A vida é um dom, um presente de Deus. Mas infelizmente, para a maioria, viver só passa a ter sentido se houver uma contínua conquista de objetivos pessoais. E quando isso não ocorre, há pessoas que mergulham numa profunda deceção, a vida perde o sentido, e perde-se a razão de existir.
7 Days
We are going to find what it means to live for Jesus in a distracted world. This world is running at a hundred miles per hour, and we have more information in our hands than we can handle. Is that the nature of this modern world? How do we slow down in such a fast-paced environment? Psalm 27:4 has the answer – ONE THING, with Ps Andrew Cartledge.
O Que Deus Promete, Ele Cumpre
7 Dias
Uma das promessas mais conhecidas de Deus é a promessa de que Ele estará sempre connosco, nunca nos deixando ou abandonando. Ele promete que, mesmo quando passamos por tempos difíceis, Ele dar-nos-á a força e o conforto para superar qualquer obstáculo.
The Will Of God
7 Days
God’s will for you doesn’t have to remain a mystery. Whether facing a major life decision or simply trying to walk with the Lord each day, your heavenly Father wants to reveal the plans He has for you. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he teaches you about the will of God, how to discern it, and steps to take when walking in His will for your life.