Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com 2 TIMÓTEO 3:16
![God Guides You](/_next/image?
God Guides You
4 days
In the God Guides You Bible Plan, readers will discover in scripture the many ways God guides his children. As you journey through life’s mountaintop, valley or wilderness experiences, be encouraged today that God will guide you!
![O Teu Melhor Investimento!](/_next/image?
O Teu Melhor Investimento!
5 Dias
Receber uma recompensa abençoada e abundante começa com realizar o investimento certo. Se és um novo Cristão, o melhor investimento que podes fazer pela tua fé é consumir regularmente a Palavra de Deus. Este plano ensina-te como Ler, Compreender e Aplicar a Palavra de forma eficaz, todos os dias. Plano de leitura tirado do livro “Out of This World: A Christian’s Guide to Growth and Purpose” de David J. Swandt
![Finding Rest](/_next/image?
Finding Rest
5 Days
Study after study tells us that rest is critical for our physical, mental, and emotional health. Rest matters so much to God that He even made it one of His commandments. We know we should rest—so why don’t we? In this simple 5-day Plan, we’ll look at why, when, where, and how we should rest, and even with whom.
![A Vila Da Reforma](/_next/image?
A Vila Da Reforma
5 Dias
Queridos irmãos, é com alegria que partilho este devocional convosco, dedicado à Reforma protestante. Uma data de profundo significado para nós. Imagens: Unsplash. E a história é uma ficção.
![FREEDOM From Porn For Men](/_next/image?
FREEDOM From Porn For Men
6 Days
Porn is a battleground with many casualties, including broken lives and relationships. It disconnects us from reality and negatively affects our expectations about sex and love. It triggers changes in our body that become addictive and harmful. It may lead to other sin and, worst of all, it moves us away from God’s love. God wants to help set you free from the pattern of lust, guilt, and broken promises.
![The Bible: Explained](/_next/image?
The Bible: Explained
7 Days
The Bible is one of the most influential books of all time, but it can seem overwhelming to know how to understand it and what to do with it. This 7-day Bible study will help break down what the Bible is, why it matters, and how you can understand it today. We’ll also discover how you can put God’s Word in action in His world.
![La Biblia está viva](/_next/image?
La Biblia está viva
7 días
Desde el principio de los tiempos, la Palabra de Dios ha restaurado corazones y mentes de manera activa: Y Dios no ha terminado aún. En este Plan especial de 7 días, celebremos el poder que transforma vidas de la Escritura observando más detenidamente cómo Dios está usando la Biblia para impactar en la historia y cambiar vidas alrededor del mundo.
![2 Timóteo](/_next/image?
2 Timóteo
8 Dias
A segunda carta a Timóteo exorta o povo de Deus a defender a palavra de Deus, a guardá-la, pregá-la e, se necessário, sofrer por ela. Viaje diariamente por 2 Timóteo enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.
![A Palavra De Deus](/_next/image?
A Palavra De Deus
10 Dias
A Palavra de Deus desempenha um papel vital na vida de um cristão. Este Plano de Leitura estuda versículos bíblicos que explicam porque é que a Palavra de Deus é tão importante e discute algumas das suas características.
![Our Daily Bread - Bible Basics](/_next/image?
Our Daily Bread - Bible Basics
12 Days
Are you curious about the Bible? Is any of it even relevant for today? The Bible Basics devotional provides you with an overview of the Bible and will demonstrate how the Old and New Testament books fit together. You will discover spiritual insights that will speak to your heart today and understand why the Bible has become an enduring and influential book. .
![The Will Of God](/_next/image?
The Will Of God
7 Days
God’s will for you doesn’t have to remain a mystery. Whether facing a major life decision or simply trying to walk with the Lord each day, your heavenly Father wants to reveal the plans He has for you. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he teaches you about the will of God, how to discern it, and steps to take when walking in His will for your life.
![The Impact Of Scripture](/_next/image?
The Impact Of Scripture
15 Days
What does the Bible have to say about the Bible? What does an ancient book have to say to modern people? This Life.Church Bible Plan explores the role Scripture can play in our everyday lives with Bible readings that highlight how God’s Word is still His Word to us today.