Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com 1 PEDRO 1:17
1 Pedro
11 Dias
Se você está sofrendo por Jesus, então esta primeira carta de Pedro o encoraja a seguir os passos de Jesus, que sofreu primeiro por nós. Viaje diariamente por 1 Pedro enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.
Our Daily Journey: A 30-Day Walk With Jesus
30 Days
Every journey requires supplies. On the journey of life, some of the best supplies are God’s Word and a bit of encouragement from friends. This Our Daily Journey reading plan features 30 days of writing from trusted authors whose insights speak into your life. Each short devotional contains a story supported by multiple Scripture references as well as a “Next” section to help you think more deeply. Make the most of your devotional time with truth and encouragement from Our Daily Journey.