Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com 1 CORÍNTIOS 15:3
What is Biblical Justice?
4 Days
There has been a lot of attention on the term justice right now, and rightfully so. Justice is critical for a society to thrive. But many people dismiss justice because they don’t know what it means. However, there is a correct view of justice that seeks to protect individual liberty and promote individual responsibility. In this 4-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will examine authentic biblical justice.
Devocional De Natal (Hillsong Portugal)
6 dias
Um devocional de Natal inspirador, centrado em Jesus, que conta a história do nascimento da Esperança do mundo.
A Palavra De Deus
10 Dias
A Palavra de Deus desempenha um papel vital na vida de um cristão. Este Plano de Leitura estuda versículos bíblicos que explicam porque é que a Palavra de Deus é tão importante e discute algumas das suas características.
Open In Case Of Emergency
14 Days
We've all either been through one of life’s storm, are in the middle of a storm right now, or will face one of life’s storms in the near future. This 14-day devotion will remind you that Jesus is in control of every storm. Because images are the language of the 21st Century”, each devotion uses original photos to explain the devotion and deepen its impact.