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Elevate Your Impact! Moving From Apprehension to Actionਨਮੂਨਾ

Elevate Your Impact! Moving From Apprehension to Action

DAY 4 OF 5

Day 4: Seize the Opportunity to Meet Needs

Scripture Focus: “But Peter said, ‘I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!’” (Acts 3:6, NLT)

The Need at the Beautiful Gate

Imagine this contrast: A likely dirty and disheveled “lame” man “was put beside the Temple gate"–a place associated with beauty, holiness, and worship. Perhaps those who brought him there sought to help him by placing him where sympathetic temple-goers might show pity and offer spare change. We don’t know the people’s motive to carry the lame man to the Temple gate or why people willingly gave their spare change; however, they took action to ensure the man’s survival.

Peter and John took it a bit further. They saw beyond the man’s immediate need for money because they had healthy eyes (Day 3). They saw his deeper need–healing and restoration–and seized the opportunity to address it. Peter declared, “I’ll give you what I have,” and by the authority of Jesus Christ, healed him.

Overcoming the Fear of Action

Peter and John could have reasoned themselves out of helping this man: What if healing doesn’t happen? What if the man doesn’t believe? What if this causes a scene? But they didn’t let fear or overanalysis stop them. They acted decisively, trusting God to move.

How often do we rationalize passing by someone? Overthinking or having an unhealthy perspective of the world around us can lead to inaction. Contrastingly, we become instruments of God’s miraculous work when we respond to His prompting.

Seizing the Opportunity

The story continues: People gathered after they saw the newly healed man. Peter and John recognized this as another opportunity. Peter boldly addressed the people, “Why stare at us as though we had made this man walk by our own power or godliness?” (Acts 3:12, NLT). He shared the Gospel, calling the crowd to repentance and faith.

Are you waiting for a sign? Don't wait or hesitate. I urge you to plunge into the next opportunity you have to serve someone else–no matter how big or small!

Haters are Going to Hate

Peter and John’s obedience to seize these opportunities resulted in the spiritual transformation of thousands; yet, not everyone celebrated their actions. The priests, Captain of the Temple guard, and Sadducees (aka "the haters") were not happy. Shouldn't the priests and Sadducees have been happy that the man was healed? Shouldn't the Captain of the Temple guard be ecstatic that this man is no longer propped up against the Beautiful Gate? Nope. They were more concerned about silencing the message than recognizing the miracle. So, the haters had Peter and John arrested.

Don't be alarmed when people you'd expect to celebrate your service and accomplishments become your biggest naysayers and haters. Some will mock you and do everything in their power to resist the positive movement you're trying to make–even when it benefits them in the long term. Don't sweat, just stay focused on the mission!

The beauty of staying focused on the mission is that God loves and rewards it! Matthew 5:10 NLT says, "God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right."

Closing Thought

Peter and John didn’t just walk past the lame man. They acted in faith, seizing the opportunity to serve and glorify God. Their boldness led to healing, salvation, and transformation for thousands. Similarly, we elevate our impact when we respond to God’s call and meet others’ needs.

Let’s be people who trust God to guide us and do something.

Seize the moment.

Elevate your impact!

Reflection Questions

  • What opportunities to serve have you overlooked because of fear or hesitation?
  • How can you overcome the fear of an unknown outcome and trust God to move?
  • Are you prepared to face criticism or resistance when pursuing God’s purpose?

Day 4 Key Takeaways

  1. Hollow situations—like the lame man’s plight—are opportunities for God to display His power.
  2. Don’t overanalyze the situation; take action and trust God to work through you.
  3. God blesses and rewards those who serve others faithfully, even in the face of criticism.

ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ

ਦਿਨ 3ਦਿਨ 5

About this Plan

Elevate Your Impact! Moving From Apprehension to Action

You were created for purpose and impact—so why hesitate? Whether you’re just starting your faith journey or feel called to do more, this 5-day Bible Plan will help you move from fear to faith-filled action. Brothers Joshua and Olaolu Ogunyemi share biblical truths and practical strategies to help you step boldly into God’s calling. Joshua–Creative Director, Brand Strategist, and founder of ExcelU–and Olaolu–U.S. Marine Officer, leadership coach, author, and founder of–will equip you to lead, influence, and make a difference TODAY!
