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[Giving Jesus Away] to Seek and to Saveਨਮੂਨਾ

[Giving Jesus Away] to Seek and to Save

DAY 1 OF 3

To Seek and To Save

At Figarden Elementary School, there was one boy in my class whose family worked among the fig trees in the surrounding acres. His name was Manuel. We were 6 years old. On the playground, I told Manuel about Jesus. I told him that we are all sinners, that Jesus died for our sins, and that if we trust in Him, we go to heaven to be with Him forever. I probably rambled on, but Manuel prayed with me that day to acknowledge Jesus as his Savior. That’s a moment I will never forget. Have you ever experienced the joy of telling someone else about Jesus?

Jesus said His purpose was “to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). It shaped His entire ministry. It factored into His decision to ask a tax collector named Matthew to follow Him. Later, Jesus joined Matthew at his home for a meal attended by a whole crowd of tax collectors. Joining in such festivities was unthinkable for any upstanding Jew, particularly for a religious teacher. Yet Jesus did it to seek and save the lost. That’s what He said to those who criticized Him for His conduct.

Jesus’ purpose led Him to reveal His identity as the Messiah to a woman in Samaria. Most respectable Jews avoided the region, yet Jesus ventured through this idolatrous land on a mission to seek and save the lost. He engaged a woman in conversation, and she told her whole village that Jesus was the Savior of the world.

Notice how Jesus treated a member of King Herod’s court. The Jews despised Herod and his court due to that king’s vicious treatment of Israel. When a royal official found his son near death and begged Jesus to heal the boy, Jesus did so without hesitation. Then, the father and his entire household believed.

Or, remember when Jesus received news that His dear friend Lazarus was dying? Instead of hurrying to be with him, Jesus delayed until four days after Lazarus died. Then, He raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus’ timing served His purpose: to seek and save the lost. Many who’d come to mourn Lazarus witnessed his resurrection and placed their faith in Jesus (John 11:45).

Repeatedly, Jesus told His disciples that He would suffer and die of His own accord (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34; John 10:17). They did not understand He came to seek and save the lost. If that meant pouring out His blood for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28), then that is what He would do. The Gospels include more examples of Jesus acting according to this purpose—and He wants us to join Him in that work.

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About this Plan

[Giving Jesus Away] to Seek and to Save

This three-day devotional plan is based on the first chapter of Giving Jesus Away: Finding Joy in Sharing the Gospel, by John Hopper. Discover the life purpose that guided and shaped Jesus’ ministry. Jesus desires that we not only follow Him, but participate in His work. You will be inspired by three compelling reasons to share your faith.
