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Building Wealth & Stewardship in the Churchਨਮੂਨਾ

Building Wealth & Stewardship in the Church

DAY 4 OF 7


The word steward is defined as a person who manages property on behalf of the owner. Despite our being labeled as owners or our boastful claims that something belongs to us, the truth of the matter is, like it or not, we are all really just managers. Psalm 24:1 lets us know that the Earth is The Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. So, all of these things….money, possessions, influence…whether we worked for them or they were given to us, no matter how costly and beautiful they might be, have simply been entrusted to our care by The Lord.

This is why it is so vitally important that we don’t take God’s blessings for granted, but handle every single one, both large and small, with gratitude and thanksgiving instead of ungratefulness and entitlement. Those are the unseemly characteristics of the world in which we currently live, but they shouldn’t be named among the Children of God. We represent The Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth, and we should exhibit this in how we steward God’s gifts to us. Being good stewards is not just what we do; it should exemplify who we are at our core – HONEST, HARD-WORKING, AND TRUSTWORTHY. Because being a good steward means God can trust me! Wow---knowing that an INFALLIBLE GOD can trust a fallible heir, now that is something amazing!!!

How do we get there? How do we get to the place where God can trust us, not only with finances but with everything? First and foremost, we must work diligently to develop healthy habits. In finances, this requires budgeting and seeking God about our spending. I know, I know….tracking income and expenses is boring and tedious, but remember, the enemy uses debt to oppress us. So, would you rather do the work and move into a better position financially or continue to be overwhelmed, stressed, and living beneath your privileges as a Believer? Establishing a household budget can help us be consistent in tithes and offerings, pay off debt, save for major expenses, build an emergency fund, prepare for our children’s future, and become financially stable so we can make investments and leave an inheritance.

Sometimes, we are fervently praying and asking God for a five-gallon blessing when we only have a sixteen-ounce capacity. Meaning we have consistently demonstrated to God that we cannot handle the blessing for which we have been praying. We are not yet responsible and disciplined enough to be a good steward over something vast when we haven’t been faithful in managing what we already have. This was the case in the servant who buried the one talent in the ground and we know that didn’t end well. The master called him wicked and slothful and cast this unprofitable servant into outer darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

It is imperative that we become responsible and disciplined with our finances, especially in the church, because there are no do-overs. If you’re like me, you want to hear God say, well done, thou good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things; I will now make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of The Lord.

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About this Plan

Building Wealth & Stewardship in the Church

This devotional will challenge you to rid your life of a poverty mindset, trust God for more, and do the work to move forward on a transformative journey toward realizing your life's vision and achieving your financial goals. It is designed to help you gain a firm hold on the POWER OF WEALTH AND STEWARDSHIP to leave a natural and spiritual legacy to your children’s children!
