3 Steps to Being a KINGDOM BUILDER in Your Life Today - Part 3ਨਮੂਨਾ

Lastly, we come to the letter “G” in our 5-letter guide to sharing your faith: “BRING the Good News.”
The letter “G” reminds you to “Give it to God” – that you are responsible only for being obedient and not for any specific result.
Phew! Knowing this, you can share your Testimony when prompted to do so, and whatever happens after that –no matter the reaction of the person you are sharing with – is up to God, not you!
Your calling is simply to be obedient in sharing your message. This cannot be outsourced to your pastor, missionaries you support, evangelists, or any others. If God prompts you to speak up and share your story, then your calling is simply to be obedient and do it. You can’t just give to your church or other cause to escape that responsibility. It’s just like the prophet Samuel says:
“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.” – 1 Samuel 15: 22
Pretty clear, right?
But with your Testimony now at the ready, and knowing that you are not responsible for the reaction or the result, everything is a lot easier than before you started this reading plan, isn't it?
Let’s close by reflecting on the eventual impact of your Testimony.
Remember the seeds in the parable Jesus told about the sower? Many of the seeds fell on the path, among the weeds, or elsewhere where they didn’t do too well. That’s like when you give your Testimony to someone, and they could care less, or maybe they got interested for a bit and then forgot all about it. Things don’t always work out as you might like.
But as the letter “G” reminds us, you are not responsible for the result. It took me (Roland) a long time to figure that out, but once I grasped that concept, my stress levels went down, and I just did my best and let Jesus do the rest. (See the YouVersion reading plan “3-Line Motto for Christian Living at Home & Work” to learn more about that.)
When you leave it to God, He will ensure that the words of your Testimony find fruitful soil in which to grow and leave an impact. Just as Jesus said in the parable of the sower:
“Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” – Matthew 6:8
Hallelujah! What a great ending to a reading plan about bringing the Good News to help build God's Kingdom right here on earth!
Your Next Step
For most of you, the next step is to write your Testimony of Faith so that you are ready to share. For help with that, check the YouVersion reading plan “3 Steps to Write Your Testimony of Faith,” where we show you how to write your Testimony and even offer to help do it with you!
The readings in this series are taken from the book “You can be a KINGDOM BUILDER too: 3 Steps to Living your Faith in Everyday Life” – click here to get your copy. The book contains the same material found in these YouVersion reading plans, plus some extra bonus material, and in a handy format for passing on to others or re-reading yourself.
We hope this reading plan has been a blessing to you. For additional reading plans by this author, search for “Roland Heersink” in the YouVersion app.
Blessings to you!
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

“BRING” is the third & final guideword in our 3-part series for living as a Kingdom-building Christian. Mostly, your Christian life will consist of being a good example (“NICER”) and loving others (“BLESS”), yet we are instructed in the Bible always to be ready to explain the hope that we have. In this reading plan, we look at when and how to share the gospel's good news to help build God's Kingdom here on earth, easily and without fear. Be blessed as you read this plan to equip yourself.