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Overcoming TemptationSample

Overcoming Temptation

DAY 3 OF 3

Let Temptation Be an Invitation to Freedom

Before the discovery of the microscopic disease-spreading microorganisms we know as germs, doctors fought against the effects of bacterial infections (in many cases, unsuccessfully). They did not know what they were fighting against—or how preventable that fight was! It was only when someone took a close look under the microscope that they discovered the unseen culprits behind so many infections and diseases. After this discovery, the wider medical community learned how to treat and prevent many widespread sicknesses. Sometimes, all we need to find the best solution is a closer look at a problem!

How does that apply to the conversation we’ve been having about temptation over the last couple of days? What we may not realize is that there is often something lurking, unseen, behind the temptations we face. A closer look may help us find our way out of sin and into victory and freedom.

You may have never thought of it this way, but temptation can be an invitation to freedom. See, when we experience temptation, we have two options. One option is to give in and sin, like when we give into the temptation to lust because we feel lonely. The other option is to turn from the temptation and take God’s invitation to freedom, which is way more satisfying! Taking this second option, the freedom option, requires us to look at what’s behind our temptation--what we are truly longing for and needing—and trust God to fulfill us rather than giving in to sin.

We said yesterday that the Enemy uses our legitimate needs to tempt us towards illegitimate ways of coping with the challenges of life. We’re upset by someone’s words or actions against us, so he uses our legitimate feelings of hurt to tempt us to gossip. We feel the weight of work, school, or financial stress, and Satan tempts us to give into destructive behaviors to pacify legitimate feelings of helplessness and need. In each of those situations, there is an opportunity to look closer at what we are feeling or needing, so we can bring those feelings and needs to God. Legitimate longings and needs are often beneath the surface-level sins that tempt us. So, don’t be afraid to stop and look a little closer the next time you face temptation. There may be an invitation to trust God in a new way and to find true fulfillment for your longings.

Saying no to sin and yes to God over time leads to greater freedom and can lead to less temptation to sin in our lives. Neuroscience tells us that repeated thoughts and behaviors change our brains, making it easier to default to those repeated thoughts and behaviors. In other words, when we give in to temptation again and again, we’ll find it harder to stop that repeated behavior. But when we resist temptation and turn to God and His ways, we’ll find it easier to do so more and more.

Thought of the Day: When I face temptations to fulfill legitimate longings in sinful ways, I will take those needs to God and ask Him to help me find fulfillment in Him and His ways.

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Day 2

About this Plan

Overcoming Temptation

On our journeys of faith, we face temptations to veer from the path and return to our old lives. Our “Yes” to Jesus gets challenged by the Enemy’s tempting deceptions and snares. So, what do we do when temptation comes? This devotional helps us understand the true nature of temptation and reminds us of the power we have in Christ to overcome it!
