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I Still Love the Churchਨਮੂਨਾ

I Still Love the Church

DAY 1 OF 4


John 16:16-33 is loaded with painful tensions and truth-fulled hope. I chose this text intentionally to capture the space my heart seeks to speak into. Jesus said in verse 33, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world." I felt compelled to write this plan in the wake of another great church leader stepping down in light of abuse. I intend not to name any leader or church but to help people process this space in a life-giving way because I still love the church and believe it is the world's hope.

By no means do I seek to diminish in any way the pain, hurt or betrayal many have gone through from those in the church, leadership or others. I, in the 34 years of being a Christ follower and over 30 years of being a volunteer, staff member and counsellor called to serve the local church, have had to navigate disappointment, abuse, unmet expectations and false judgments. I know very well that I am imperfect; I have caused hurt, not met expectations, had bad days and failed. This is not my heart, but my fallen, fickle, fragile fallibleness.

In John 16:20, Jesus declared that the disciples would weep and mourn over what would happen to him while the world rejoiced. This must have been an incredibly painful tension to have gone through, but as Jesus declared, their grief would turn into a wonderful joy. Jesus later said that no one could rob them of that joy.

Jesus is very aware that there will be pain, hurt, betrayal, grief and every other trouble that one could go through in this world. He never promised that life as a Christ follower would be pain-free; in fact, he instructs us to pick up our cross and follow him. At the same time, Jesus came to bind the broken-hearted and set those in captivity to resentment and bitterness-free. Jesus came to this world for the sick, not the healthy, and we are all sick.

So, how do we journey from hurt to healing, from oppressed to overjoyed, from pain to purpose? How do we trust that God will provide people like Simon, who carried the cross for Jesus when he struggled to walk the most painful journey of his life? Will we allow them to walk that journey with us? Will we commit to seeking Godly wisdom amidst worldly pain so that we do not become bitter but live better?

Reflective Questions:

  • What struggles do you face when loving the local church where imperfect individuals populate?
  • What or who is keeping you stuck from loving the local church?
  • What vows have you made because of hurt, betrayal or abuse?
  • Who do you know that may be hurting because of church hurt that you can pray for and reach out to to be a safe space for them to process


Jesus, I choose to authentically bring my whole self before you today as I seek your face and wisdom for this healing journey. Thank you that you came to bind up the broken-hearted. I pray for a revelation of your love for me and all those hurt by someone in a local church. I pray for your church that unity will prevail and restoration comes. Amen.

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About this Plan

I Still Love the Church

How do you still love the church when one is betrayed, hurt or even abused by someone in the church? This plan seeks to hold this pain and tension with biblical wisdom for healing and freedom whilst knowing that the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
