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Strengthening Your Family Through Shared PurposeSample

Strengthening Your Family Through Shared Purpose

DAY 2 OF 6

Day 2: Discovering Your Purpose

God gives everyone and everything purpose.

What if Purpose is more about becoming rather than accomplishing? What if Purpose has more to do with us learning to embrace our identity as chosen people of God, and then sharing that truth with those around us through the way we live? What if, by living confidently from our identity in Christ, we fulfill the divine purpose God has created for us. When we authentically and faithfully live out our identity with purpose—we shine a giant flashlight into the dead and dark spaces of the world, revealing to others the truth and hope found in a relationship with God. (Matthew 5:16) “Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep an open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” God’s purpose for you doesn’t get any clearer than that! Sure, there are different ways of practically living that out every day, but that verse gives tremendous insight on the overall mission of your life. You get to choose exactly how you live that out, through conversations with God, and taking the time to assess your God-given identity.

Our purpose is the reason for why we exist; our whole existence is the transformative adventure of being made new through faith in Christ—and guess what? We get to go on this adventure right alongside the people we love! Throughout each of our lives, we get to choose whether or not we engage in the purposeful work of learning to take hold and live out the truth of both our identity and purpose. When you offer up your life to God, believing Jesus died for you to live—you’re committing to a relationship with God. It’s a partnership, and He’s chosen you and your family to help Him rewrite the story of humanity.

While your purpose isn't a tangible object that you can hold or see; it is what gives meaning to your identity, defining the way you exist and engage in the world. Contrary to what the world often shouts, your purpose isn't a task you must do to prove you’re successful or significant. Purpose isn’t a checklist you need to complete to show your worth and value. Instead, think of purpose as a divine mission that God is asking you daily to be a part of—we get to decide as to whether or not we’re going to participate. God sent us a divine invitation long ago—His name is Jesus. God left the response up to us! Are you going to accept or decline the purpose God has for your life?

People often focus and fixate on achievements, getting validation from others, and doing all they can to meet society's expectations; all in an effort to resolve the inherent void found deep within each of us. We long to feel as though we’re winning at life; we all desire to experience fulfillment and have purpose, and we all want to know we belong and that we’re accepted. The thing is—only God can resolve this void. Many people in the world today are missing an intimate relationship with God. They’re also missing out on a life that’s filled with purpose, and the freedom and confidence that comes from an identity anchored in Christ. A life without God’s love, grace, and help can lead to a life that’s filled with constant performing, proving, and people-pleasing. Which, to no surprise, can be pretty stressful.

Here’s the thing, when we look at our purpose from a spiritual perspective, we see that it’s all about living in freedom; it’s all about choosing a different and better way of being and living. In John 14:6, Jesus emphasizes that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one goes to the Father except through Him. It's making the daily and conscious decision to live in a way that aligns with what God has planned for us. In Luke 9:23, Jesus challenges us to deny our own way of doing things, and instead, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. This choice isn't about meeting humanity’s standards or fitting into what the world expects of us. It’s about walking the unique path that God has intentionally laid out for you and your family.

Discovering who we are is sort of like peeling back the layers of our identity and purpose. As we peel back these layers, we gain more and more understanding of the deep love that God has for us. It’s no secret that various relationships in our lives have an impact on us—this impact could have positive or negative effects on our identity. When it comes to a relationship with God, it has only a positive impact—one that will radically change you and your family from the inside-out.

As you seek to understand your God-given purpose, it will become a source of tremendous joy in your life. Within every person’s design, they’ve been created to reflect God’s image. In Genesis 1:27, we’re reminded that God created humans in His image. By fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives, we display His love, compassion, and grace to the world.

Don’t be misled into thinking that your purpose is defined by what you accomplish or the stuff you have. Don’t get caught up living according to the world's standards and expectations. Not only can this be destructive to ourselves but to our families, too. While living in the world, we have to be careful to not become of the world—especially when we don't truly belong to it. Jesus was clear in John 17:16, when He said we don't belong to the world any more than He belongs to the world. God has a purpose for all of humanity, and it’s through our treasured identities He wants to fulfill it!

So, what is your purpose? What a great question for you and God to explore together. Rest assured, He has a significant purpose for you, and it is very, very good.

  1. How does the idea that purpose is more about becoming than accomplishing change your understanding of your life's purpose?
  2. How can you live with purpose in your daily life, considering God's invitation to a relationship through Jesus?
  3. In what ways does living in freedom involve choosing a better way of being? How can you align your choices with God's plan for your life?
  4. How does a relationship with God positively impact your identity compared to other relationships in your life?
  5. How does the world's idea of purpose differ from a spiritual perspective, and how does this affect your understanding of purpose?
  6. How can you avoid being influenced by worldly standards in defining your purpose and identity?
Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Strengthening Your Family Through Shared Purpose

Discover your God-given purpose and learn how to cultivate a Christ-centered family mission that answers, "Why am I here?" This six-day plan explores how each member shapes your household's purpose. Through biblical wisdom, you'll gain insights to align your family with God's purpose and build a strong home that reflects His love.
