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Learning Daniel's Prayer SecretsSample

Learning Daniel's Prayer Secrets

DAY 2 OF 7

Different Character

The king's mother told him that the "Spirit of the Holy God" was present within Daniel. Those in the king's court were familiar with the powers and principalities of idolatry, witchcraft and soothsaying. They knew the God of Daniel was different from their gods.

We can never fight the 'world' with the 'world'. Neither can we scrape everything under the carpet of 'love'. Our God is both a God of love and of judgment. This truth was the light that shone from Daniel. Righteousness and justice. He was loving and kind, respecting everyone around him. He never retaliated or defended himself when humiliated, when petitions were written for his intended destruction. He boldly did what was right and needed to be done in every situation and circumstance. How can we portray a different spirit like Daniel?

Daniel was a student of the WORD OF GOD for 70 years in exile. Do we know God's Word like Daniel? Today we have access to the whole Bible – also many commentaries and resources, but how hungry are we to even pick up our Bibles and read?

Although memorizing Scripture is wonderful and necessary, 'time in the Word' means to read Scripture and then wait on the Holy Spirit to show us what is on His heart concerning a certain matter from a specific passage. As we read God's Word and allow His Word to correct us in our thinking, we learn to pray accordingly.

Isaiah 55:11 says: So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

All of us have 24 hours at our disposal. Give what you are able to, but at least start somewhere.

Ask God's forgiveness for any negligence in reading, studying and meditating on His Word. Dedicate your heart to the Lord afresh, ask Him to shine His light on the Word as you read from this day on. Think upon this verse today, gently repeating it in your heart as often as you remember:

Ephesians 1:18 - …the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling…

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Learning Daniel's Prayer Secrets

Do you sometimes want to pray more impactful prayers? Perhaps like Bible characters who saw real breakthroughs and miracles in their lives? This 7-day plan looks at Daniel and his distinguished character, lifestyle and prayer life at the court of Babylon. God entrusted Daniel with many heavenly revelations of the end times! If you desire to live and pray like Daniel, this plan is for you!
