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DAY 1 OF 4


It always means a lot when we receive kind words about our play. However, compliments can carry more weight depending who is giving them.

If a five year old watches you competing and tells you you’re really good, that’s nice to hear but it doesn’t mean all that much. If a teammate says it, it means a little more. How much more from the captain, or the opposition, the coach, or even an England scout?

Here in 1 Peter we can hear some of the most glorious words that describe the identity of those in Christ. And it means the world, because the One speaking to us is the Creator of the universe, the One who flung stars into space, the One who created all the billions of humans who have ever existed, and yet zooms in on you. Let’s hear how God describes us.

First to give a little context as we dive into chapter 2. Peter is writing to Christians scattered in exile, undergoing persecution for their faith. He has just talked about those who reject Jesus (2v7-8), and now begins verse 9 with a great contrast of those who are in Christ: “but you…”

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession…"

A chosen people…

We as Christians are chosen by God! Unlike receiving compliments on our sporting performance, this is not due to any merit in us. It is entirely the loving kindness of God who chooses us! This is great news because it can never be taken away from us, no matter how well we ‘perform’ in life or our relationship with God.

A royal priesthood…

In Old Testament times, only a special few were chosen to be priests in God’s temple and therefore had access to God. Now every Christian is His holy priesthood (ch 2v5). We can all now have direct access to God anytime, no matter who we are or what we have done. We get to know God personally, because of the sacrifice of Jesus.

A holy nation…

This is not based on ethnicity or on geography, but on Christ. We are His, set apart for Himself.

God’s special possession

How incredible that the Creator of the universe calls you His special possession! He has called you for His own. Could you be any more loved?

So today…

Know that no matter how today goes, or even your season goes: whether you perform well or you have a shocker, whether you win or lose, whether you play or you’re on the bench, how does God see you?


A royal priesthood.

A holy nation.

His special possession.

Today’s successes or failures cannot change that. Nothing can ever change that.

And His opinion matters more than that of any observer.

→ Where do you seek to find your worth and your identity? How is God’s view of you a firmer foundation than anything else?

Pray for yourself

Thank you that because of Christ you can now call us your chosen people, your holy nation, royal priesthood and your special possession.

Please help me to remember my identity in you, and know that it is more secure than anything else in the world and nothing that happens this Game Day, or ever, can change that.

Pray for your friends

Finally, take a few minutes to pray for those in your sports - that God will open a door for his message in your club or team this Game Day.


Day 2

About this Plan


1 Peter shows us the wonderful identity of those in Christ. No matter how today goes, or even your season goes: whether you perform well or you have a shocker, whether you win or lose, whether you play or you’re on the bench, how does God see you? Chosen. Loved.
