Courage Over Fearਨਮੂਨਾ

Courage To Rebuild
I know what it feels like to be broken. Many of us have walked through seasons where we have hit rock bottom. We hit rock bottom due to others being selfish and not thinking about how their decisions impact our lives.
Then there is that "rock bottom" you caused yourself. You made bad choices, one after another. Never stopping to ask God for direction or his plan, you kept going and did what you thought was best. Or you knew it wasn't right, but you kept doing it anyway. And let's be honest: You didn't pray because you knew God would disapprove of your actions.
But what do you do after you have hit rock bottom? I mean, the damage has been done. The relationship that you put before Jesus is now broken. Your heart is aching, and you feel a deep sadness in the pit of your heart. You can feel the daily heartbreak. The tears don't stop. Waking up to a wet pillow has become the norm. Your actions did not express appreciation for the job that you prayed to Jesus to give you. Therefore, you have received your letter of termination. This, my friend, is rock bottom; now it's time to rebuild your life.
The book of Ezra speaks of Israel and the process of rebuilding after they had been in captivity in Babylon for 70 years. As promised by God, it was time for restoration. They received permission and supplies to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their city and worship their God.
In chapter one of Ezra, Israel was given permission and supplies to rebuild their city. They were given back items stolen during the seizing of their city, such as gold and silver plates, bowls, and other items from the temple of God. The second chapter lists the exiles who returned to Jerusalem, i.e., the returning descendants. Amongst this list were 200 male and female singers. Yes, the praise and worship team came back with them.
Why is this so important for the rebuild? Israel knew what God required of them. They were grateful that God had kept his promise. Therefore, the first thing they would do was reestablish the worship of the almighty God. They faced opposition while rebuilding; people were discouraged, and other things happened that caused them to stop at one point. However, they were determined, and they worshiped throughout the process.
I am convinced God cares much more about the process than the outcome. He wants to reestablish fellowship with you while rebuilding your life. Jesus doesn't want to show you the way; he wants to walk beside you. He wants to tell you daily that it’s getting better and that you will be okay.
If you are going to rebuild, you must return to your foundation and relationship with God. You remember when you didn't move without speaking to him first. You fasted and prayed consistently. You remember when you were so in tune with the voice of Jesus that you could hear him over all the chaos of everyday life.
Today, I encourage you to return to pure worship—not for show or fashion, but just you and Jesus. And not the organized worship that is sometimes done in our church services. But only you and him, in your bedroom, you on the floor with your eyes filled with tears of gratitude in awe of his presence.
This season may be challenging for you; trust me, I understand. However, you have a Savior who loves you and doesn't want you stuck in this season. He is waiting for you to move closer to him so that you can feel his comfort and love. Your first step in the rebuilding and restoration process is worship.
Dear Jesus,
I love and adore you. I apologize for allowing the world's cares to disrupt my relationship with you. Somehow, I lost track of you. I even lost myself. But today, right now, I want to recommit my life to you. I never thought I would be in this place, but I am, broken and alone. As I begin to rebuild my worship foundation, I want you right in the middle of my every decision. I realize now that I am breathless without you and need you to breathe.
In Jesus’ Name,
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

What has God called you to do? Understand that He has a plan for your life, requiring you to demonstrate courage. Allowing fear to invade our lives is not an option. However, we have everything we need to conquer fear and walk in victory. This 5-day study is a journal of evidence-based curation of God’s Word and life experiences that will help you align with God's plan for your life.