Royals Part III: Into Exileਨਮੂਨਾ

We don’t get much about Jotham in the narratives of Kings and Chronicles other than this short summary. On the face of things, he appears to be a great King. He walked steadfastly before The Lord and was given great success.
He’s only faulted with allowing the “high places” for idol worship to remain. It’s easy to imagine why. It would have been an unpopular move and would have attracted much opposition. Just like all the kings before him who had allowed idol worship it would have been now so embedded in the culture that to remove them would only get harder and harder.
Micah prophesied in the time of Jotham and we can see how seriously God is taking it but we don’t pick up any of this urgency in Jotham’s time. While Jotham cannot be faulted on the good things he did he can be faulted on the good things he failed to do. He brought change on the surface but failed to address the deeper issues. This failure would have an impact on generations to come starting with his son.
Thought Point
What are the good things that you aren’t doing, that God might be calling you to do?
Prayer Point
Ask God to give you eyes to see the good things that can be done in this world and the courage to do those things.
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

Tales of triumph and tragedy in the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. The history of Kings of Israel and Judah is a story of divine faithfulness despite human failure. These flawed rulers point us towards the one true faithful king. Part III covers the kings of Judah leading up to the exiles of Israel and Judah.