How to Dress for a Dateਨਮੂਨਾ

The Belt Of Truth
When you think of what’s next, think of what holds everything together. When someone wears a belt, it keeps all the pieces in place. That’s exactly what the Belt of Truth does. Truth is what ties everything together and gives your armor security. It is foundational to the armor because going into battle and having everything fall off would be embarrassing to say the least. Truth is foundational in our walk with Christ.
Let’s break it down a little more. Satan is aiming for the chinks in your armor to try to get beneath the layers of protection God has for you. If he really wants to make things fall apart for you, where’s he going to go first? The belt. If that comes off, everything else will too. The only way he can undo the Belt of Truth is through lies. So we can expect that if Satan’s weapon against you is lies, he’s going to use it as much as he can.
Sometimes we get so comfortable with lies that they start to feel like truth. Sister, I’ve been there, and it’s not a fun place to be. So get your lie detector out and work with me here.
It is probably a lie if it …
- Takes away your peace
- Makes you feel ugly and unlovable
- Makes you doubt your worth
- Causes fear
Truth can make us uncomfortable, but a full picture of the truth will never take our peace or our worth. Want to know how I know?
Jesus said He is the Truth (John 14:6). The world might harm us because we follow Jesus, but Jesus overcame the world and gave us peace. When we strap on the Belt of Truth and believe Jesus, there are certain types of struggles we never have to experience again. We never have to be peaceless, hopeless, or worthless.
In relationships that steal our peace and make us fearful, our Belt of Truth is being pulled off and things are about to fall apart. To practically keep that belt sitting tight on our hips, we’ve got to have a strategy.
First, link arms with people who speak truth. Here’s an example in dating: If a trustworthy friend tells you that you’re dating a BooBoo Dude, listen to her and seriously try to see the relationship from an outside perspective. Name some lies you’ve been telling yourself, and work through them together. It might be helpful to have your friend ask you questions about the lies you’re feeling so you can identify and attack them.
Second, tighten your Belt of Truth by spending time in the Bible. Jesus said that God’s Word is truth (John 17:17), so it’s a good place to start fighting Satan’s lies.
Third, ask yourself good questions to get to the root of what you’re feeling. Here are some sample questions to ask yourself: Is there a lie I’m telling myself right now? What is it? Who can help me work through this? What does God’s Word say about this lie? What would Jesus say to me right now if He were sitting across from me and holding my hands?
Keep that belt on, sister. The truth is your friend.
Lord, please help me to recognize lies and know Your truth. I want to keep my armor on, and I know I need truth to do that. Please help me to be brave and ask good questions to understand the truth.
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

Don't go into a date unprepared! Learn how to put on the full armor of God as you enter into the dating scene. Ainsley Britain has helped thousands embrace their confidence, date healthy, and discover their identity in Christ through her written words, podcast, and speaking engagements.