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Passport to HeavenSample

Passport to Heaven

DAY 2 OF 5

The Earth is a masterpiece of God’s creation. It is magnificent to behold: vibrant, vast, teeming with life, colorful, and breathtakingly beautiful. Now imagine this big blue ball we call home suddenly void of water. Living organisms would instantly turn to dust. Maybe it’d look something like Mars. Life as we know it would cease to exist. 

Water is vital to life. Did you know it comprises sixty percent of our body weight? Without it, we can’t regulate our temperature and maintain essential bodily functions. H2O helps the brain work properly, protects our tissues, aids with digestion, and does so much more. Because we are constantly losing water through sweating, digestion, and breathing, rehydrating on a regular basis is important. In fact, it is recommended an adult male consume nearly 16 cups of water a day!

What happens when we don’t hydrate for a couple of hours? We get thirsty. If we fast from water for a day, we are parched—for a few days, we are dead. Everything this world has to offer, even its most vital element, water, can’t satisfy us forever. We will thirst again. 

Entertainment, hobbies, material possessions, and career success may seem to quench our thirst for a moment. But these are all fleeting. They come and they go. Some of the world’s greatest athletes—even at their summit of victory and Olympic glory—have dealt with depression and considered suicide. This world’s fame and glory does not bring enduring gratification. 

Jesus encountered a Samaritan woman at a well. He offered her water that eternally quenches the soul. “Jesus said to her, ‘Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life’” (John 4:13-14).

As the earth without water is dust, so are those without Jesus’ life-giving Spirit deprived of true peace, joy and contentment—and destined for dust. But whoever believes in Jesus and receives the water He offers is filled with the endless and ever-flowing spring of the Holy Spirit; such a person experiences lasting fulfillment, joy, and purpose. Jesus is enough!

Have you drunk from the water that Jesus offers? Have you discovered eternal satisfaction in Christ?


About this Plan

Passport to Heaven

What does it really mean to be saved? How does Christianity differ from works-based religions? Micah Wilder, raised as a faithful Latter-day Saint and miraculously born again while on his mission, weighs in on what makes salvation through Christ so precious and unique.
