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Romans ISample

Romans I

DAY 4 OF 4

Not Ashamed

To live a life of justice and harmony, to do our part in the Body of Christ, we need courage. It is a necessary characteristic to avoid pride and make upright choices.

The reason courage is so needed is that righteous living is countercultural. Culture is a consensus by any group of people about what behavior is honorable and shameful. It takes courage to live a faithful life. As believers of Christ, we will face rejection. We will face ridicule and scorn. Jesus even warned us of this (Matthew 10:22, John 16:33).

We live in a superficial world, full of fake intentions and sinful longings. We celebrate pride and shun uprightness. Our society shames true humility.  

The culture’s attempts to get us to conform are vigorous. But the power of God is infinitely stronger. This is more than just good news; it is fantastic news! The power of God delivers us from futility. The power of God brings hope and harmony, justice, and uprightness. It is a more potent force than the culture of this world. What could be better than already having the power to go against today’s sinful culture? Where is the shame in that? 

It is to Truth that we must answer in the end. The world promises everything but delivers nothing. The promises of the Gospel are real. They bring power and life and deliver us from futility, but those promises require courageous faith to receive them. If we are ashamed of the Gospel, we will not reap its rewards. We will close ourselves off from its benefits.

In this sinful world, shame and rejection often attend a righteous life. Yet Hebrews 12:2 says that Jesus “despised the shame set before Him.” The Good News of God’s power in us allows us to overcome the shame of the world and to seek fulfillment in applying our gifts to be an integral part of something limitless and lasting—the Body of Christ.

We would like to thank Grace School of Theology for providing this Plan. For more information, please visit:

Day 3

About this Plan

Romans I

We live in a superficial world that is full of fake intentions and sinful longings. We celebrate pride and shun uprightness. Righteous living is countercultural; therefore, we need the courage to live a faithful life. In light of today’s trying times, the truths in Romans 1 are worth exploring. We’ll study these powerful verses that encourage the Church to be a light unto a world in dire need of salvation.
