The F.O.O.D. Challenge - A Chapter A Dayਨਮੂਨਾ

The Fun. LoOking. ThrOugh. GoD’s Word. Challenge.One chapter-A-Day-Everyday following these 5 daily steps. -- Read. Listen. Write. Pray. Post.
Read- John 7
Listen- Now Listen For God in v37.
Write- Checkout v1-5 Look at what Jesus’ brothers said to him. How would you feel if someone in your family said this kind of thing to you? How do you think Jesus felt and How did He react?
Pray- Pray as you feel God is leading you.
Post- Create a verse image from v38 and Tweet, FB or WhatsApp it, tag #FOODchallenge.
Read- John 7
Listen- Now Listen For God in v37.
Write- Checkout v1-5 Look at what Jesus’ brothers said to him. How would you feel if someone in your family said this kind of thing to you? How do you think Jesus felt and How did He react?
Pray- Pray as you feel God is leading you.
Post- Create a verse image from v38 and Tweet, FB or WhatsApp it, tag #FOODchallenge.
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

This is a 5 step challenge-All you need to do is-READ.LISTEN.WRITE.PRAY. and POST. Read-The Word, 1 Chapter-A-Day, Everyday, Listen-For God to speak directly to you from a selected verse, Write-make a note(there is a question to help here), Pray-Say a prayer taken from the Word, Post-Create a verse image and share on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, Pin It anywhere you like. So Read-Listen-Write-Pray & Post God's word for the next 30 days.
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