#Goals - Part 2 - SE Studentsਨਮੂਨਾ

Today’s devotional might be the last, but it is certainly not the least in terms of importance. Friendships are critical in life—in fact, we were created for community. We were never meant to be alone, and God made us for friendship. But first and foremost, He called us to be HIS friend.
God sent us His very own Son, Jesus, as a way to connect with us in human form so that He could understand and experience everything we would experience as human beings. Jesus is the very best friend we could ever have because He knows life fully as a human and He loves us fully as God. No one could ever understand us or love us more.
Every single friend on earth will fail us at one time or another, but Jesus never will. We have all we need in Him. It is sometimes easy to make our friends on earth more of a priority than Jesus, but take a step back and redirect your priorities today. Make Jesus your very best and first friend, and as you walk in friendship with Him, your other friendships will be better for it.
Thanks for completing this reading plan! We pray that this helped you get connected to Jesus. We would love to hear from you on how God used this plan in your life. Keep the conversation going by emailing us at keeptalking@secc.org.
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

The Bible is full of messy relationships. Use this two-part plan to help see how God can turn the messiest of relationships into #goals. This is part 2.