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The Little OnesSample

The Little Ones

DAY 5 OF 5

Childish vs. Childlike

Little children like to explore. They are curious about the world around them. Curiosity is a child-like characteristic we all need. Spiritually, we must stay hungry for the truth and keep seeking to know God’s heart. We should not assume we know all there is to know about the Bible, healing, divine provision, and all that pertains to God’s kingdom. There is always more to discover, and a humble heart is always curious.

While exploring their environments, little children often engage in dangerous activities. They consume and touch harmful things. This can be considered childish behavior. Spiritually, it signifies a lack of discernment.

Consuming everything without weighing its impact on our spirit and soul is childish. We must not lack discernment in these last days.

I often ask myself these questions: What are those shows, books, movies, etc. doing to your spirit, soul, and body? Are they filling you with comparison, fear, or ideologies that contradict the truth?

I invite you to reflect on these questions as well.

It is very important for Christians to spend personal time studying the Bible. When we do this, God’s word in our hearts can help us discern false teachings or doctrines as we encounter them. We must spend time in God’s word so we can discern demonic ideologies the enemy tries to plant in our hearts and homes through the movies we watch, false teachings, and those we admire.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 (KJV)

Stay curious. Keep learning and growing in understanding. Let God’s Word and the Holy Spirit be your guide. Be discerning. Search the scriptures, and develop a personal relationship with God.

Stay childlike at heart, not childish.

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Day 4

About this Plan

The Little Ones

In Luke 18:16, Jesus said the kingdom of God belongs to those who are childlike. Jesus' statement implies that the little ones around us can help us understand the faith life and God's heart. Journey with Temi Michael-O as she draws a parallel between the life of faith and early childhood. You will learn how to become childlike at heart, not childish.
