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Fruitful Now and Fulfilled in the Future Sample

Fruitful Now and Fulfilled in the Future

DAY 5 OF 5


Life begins small and grows big like a mustard seed. A new born baby, an acorn seed or a startup company; they all start small and have potential to grow big and become fruitful. Faithfulness and commitment to life and purpose is the way to fulfillment. 

The first two servants in the parable of talents were commended by their master: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over few things, I will make you ruler over many things.” They valued the trust given by their master and set out to work hard. They were clear about what their master expected of them and set about to achieve it. They were counted as faithful and richly rewarded.

Laziness is an enemy to faithfulness. The third servant was wicked and lazy. The servant was too lazy to work with his talents, and found fault with the master, accusing him of “reaping where he had not sown and gathering where he had not scattered seed.” Being lazy is like stealing. Lazy people do not deserve to eat. Working hard and sincerely counts for faithfulness. 

The two faithful servants were appreciated, promoted, and were even made ‘partners’ to share the master’s joy. They were fruitful and therefore fulfilled.

Jesus did not rest till He preached in all the cities. He knew His priorities and stuck to them. That is faithfulness. Jesus was sought out by people and they thronged to Him. He was not distracted by popularity, but was committed to purposefulness. He was set on a course and He wanted to complete His mission. That is faithfulness. No wonder, even on the cross, He was able to cry out, “It is finished.” He completed His mission in every way.

Paul knew he was set apart to proclaim the gospel to the gentiles and he “became all things to all people.” He spared no effort in reaching out to them. Punishment, abandonment, hunger, imprisonment . . . nothing could deter him from persisting in his mission. He was faithful to his call. He willingly paid the price for it. No wonder he was able to declare, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

In the later parts of your life, if you want to look back and feel fulfilled then you must be faithful today. Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your heart. Moses started with just a staff in his hand. What do you have in your hand? What are you capable of today? What talents do you have today? Nurture them and put them to use. Your faithfulness today will lead to your fulfillment tomorrow. 

Day 4

About this Plan

Fruitful Now and Fulfilled in the Future

There is nothing to be afraid of in your future. The decisions you make now can help you develop a lifestyle of living in the present that will protect you from worrying or letting distraction rule your thoughts. Learn to entrust yourself to God for a sure future!
