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Rewriting FearSample

Rewriting Fear

DAY 1 OF 5

Life is full of faith stealers like doubt, stress and uncertainty. Perhaps the most common and harmful of these, though, is fear and its physical manifestations of anxiety. Fear is our human response to situations we don’t understand and over which we have no control. When this is our reality, we peer into the future and try to see what’s ahead of us and what we’re able to distinguish in the darkness and shadows leaves us crippled by fear and anxiety. 

Fear is part of the enemy’s arsenal to wreak havoc in our lives, ultimately, diminishing our faith. The enemy is masterful at deception and so his strategy is to cause us to focus on our fears: False Evidence Appearing as Reality, instead of the One in whom our faith rests, Jesus Christ. When we submit to fear and allow our minds to become controlled by it, Satan has influence. 

So, how do we wrench our fears from the control of the enemy and bring them under the authority of God? In Psalm 56 v3, David says, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” When, not if. He understood that in the fallenness of our world, we are going to be tricked by fear. David’s response was to turn towards God and to cling to Him with childlike faith, utterly secure in the knowledge of Gods’ love. Expose the lies that the enemy plants in your mind, by exercising faith in the truth contained in scripture. 

Fight lies with truth. Only God knows everything: past, present and future. Known to God from eternity, are all His works. We can’t begin to fathom the depths of His knowledge and understanding (Romans 11v33). So when the enemy corners us into a fear that is only a vague possibility in the future, fight it with truth-based thinking. Use scripture to nullify the lies. Let’s build up our collection of scriptural understanding. Even if all that is left in our faith tank is the smallest whisper of faith, it is enough in the hands of an all-powerful God.


Father, when fear attacks me, I want my first response to be to run to You in childlike trust. In moments like these, I pray that I would be protected by Your unshakeable trustworthiness. You alone know what lies ahead of me and in Your faithfulness, love and care please lead me into each new day. 

Day 2