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You’ve Got TalentSample

You’ve Got Talent

DAY 5 OF 5

God extends an invitation to us

We can’t hit ‘stop’ on the story without considering how the third servant presents his report to the master. He approaches the master with these abrasive words: “Master, I knew that you are a hard man… so I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground.” The master deems him a wicked and lazy servant. The third servant is punished for his selfishness, his self-interest, and for breaking his master’s trust. Servant three has a convoluted view of his master and sees him as a hard and unfair taskmaster who only cares about the servants’ performance. And those lies fill him with a self-preserving kind of fear. 

Friends, how we see God will shape the choices we make. Like servant three, do we view God as someone who is unreasonable or unfair or unjust? If we subscribe to a twisted view of God, we will live in fear and anxiety and ultimately, regret. 

But, life is not a talent show on reality TV and God is not some surly, egotistical judge who is waiting to see how we’re going to mess this up. This is not a performance. This is not about proving ourselves. This is not about perfectionism. 

The third servant was punished, not because he didn’t perform up to par. He was judged because he lived a life completely disconnected and distant from the master. He didn’t care that the master was coming back. He lived on his own terms without any regard for the master or his return.  

That brings us to the fifth and final “E” in our Bible Plan - God EXTENDS an invitation to us. An invitation to yield our lives to a God who gave His all in order to forge a relationship with us

He is a God who came to be the Servant King. A God who took a towel and washed the feet of his disciples. A God who came to be broken, to be poured out even unto death, to be our sacrifice on the cruel Cross of Calvary.

In the light of His stunning servanthood, are we willing to respond to the invitation to use our gifts for His glory?

He is not a God who is looking for results or for that ROI. He is a God who wants a living relationship with us. He is knocking at your heart’s door and asking that you invite Him into every area of your life. He invites us to live in the light of eternity.

God entrusts you with gifts. God empowers you to use those gifts. God expects you to use the gifts. God enjoys when you worship Him with your gifts. And God extends an invitation to you to live life with an eternal perspective.  

When Jesus returns, He will look for those to whom He can say these words: “Come, share in My happiness!”

Bring it Home

How do we view God? Do we allow the enemy to deceive us into thinking God is unfair or unjust or focusses only on our performance? Do we allow God access into every area of our lives? Do we respond to His invitation to abide in Him so we can bear fruit for His glory, fruit that will last?

Lean In

Father God, What a privilege it is to learn from You. To know that You are not a God who focuses on results but that You seek a living relationship with me. Lord, give me the grace to respond to that knocking on my heart’s door, to invite You to come in and sup with me and me with You. Lord, may my every moment, my every talent and my every treasure be a sweet offering to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Day 4

About this Plan

You’ve Got Talent

The Parable of the Loaned Money - the story of the master distributing talents to his three servants - is perhaps familiar to many of us. But is the narrative really about the servants’ performance? In this Bible Plan, we’ll see that when God gives us talents and resources, He doesn’t look for results or for a return on investment - but for a deeper relationship with His children.
