Unleash the Power of Prayerਨਮੂਨਾ

Ask and Receive
What is it that you want God to do for you, for your family, for your finances, in your physical body today? Whatever it is, no matter how impossible others declare it to be, regardless of whether or not you think it can be done, ask Him to do exactly what you’re looking for. In Jesus’ name, ask that whatever mountain needs to be moved will be moved. Ask that whatever door needs to be opened will be opened. Ask that whatever crooked way that needs to be straight will be made straight.
Read Jesus’ words in today’s Scripture out loud and believe His promise. Every hinderance can be broken, and every chain of bondage can be destroyed by Him who sets us free. Those who are without hope can be filled with hope by the God of all hope. Families that are broken can be restored by our great Redeemer. Weak bodies can be strengthened, and diseases healed by His healing touch. New business opportunities can be opened and favor rest upon you. You can be blessed in your going out and in your coming from this day forward. So, ask Him now and receive!
Today’s Prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for Your amazing promise that if we ask You, we will receive. I ask You in faith believing and receive it, not because I am worthy, but because You shed Your blood and redeemed me. In Your name, Amen!
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

At a young age, Pastor Hagee’s mother taught him that prayer can move mountains. Prayer is the most significant and oftentimes most underutilized tool in the Christian life. Are you facing a giant in your health, your finances, your relationships? Pray! No matter the storm you’re facing, prayer changes things. This prayer devotional shows you how to open the doors of heaven, inviting God to move mightily in your life.