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The Gift of the WildernessSample

The Gift of the Wilderness

DAY 6 OF 7


Verses 6-8: Finding Shade in the Wilderness

“When I remember you on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. Because you have been my help, therefore in the shadow of your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind you; your right hand upholds me.” Psalm 63:6-8 NKJV

To remember God means that we recall what God has said or done in the past and we apply it to our present circumstances. Warren Wiersbe says it like this, “Our God is the I AM not the I WAS." Therefore, God must always be recognized in our present situations. Even in the bedchamber, David remembers how God has brought him through in the past and so he trusts that God will bring him through again.

In biblical times, the night was divided into three watches or three periods when the city was guarded by a night watchman or a sentry. The three night watches were:

1. sunset to 10:00pm

2. 10:00pm to 2:00am

3. 2am to sunrise

It is unclear if David was thinking of God while he slept and while he tossed and turned, or if the wilderness prevented him from sleeping at all. What we should take away from this verse is that David has sought God in the morning, and he also seeks him in the night; David is always seeking after God.

David speaks of rejoicing under the shadow of God’s wings. As the tranquility of the darkness obscures the blaring spotlight of the sun, the shade of the Almighty is sweet to David. This is also expressed by the songwriter in Psalm 91, “He shall cover you with His feathers. And under His wings you shall take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” (Psalm 91:4).

Perhaps David was unable to find sleep in the wilderness, but he is able to find peace and rest in the protection of a loving God. How could David not sing and rejoice? 

As I have gotten older, I find that sleep and I play hide-and-seek more often than I would like. I have found most sleepless nights to be utterly frustrating. But lately, I am sensing that God is keeping me awake, or waking me in the night for a purpose. Three of these devotionals were written around 3:00am as God awakened me with words and thoughts in my mind that I couldn’t ignore. I had to get up and write them down. Although tired the next day, the meditation of God’s words was more refreshing than sleep.

As we meditate on God in the early morning and in the night watches, and as we find safety in his wings, we are also called to follow hard after God; because we are one with God. Maybe we are unable to walk with him in equal footsteps, but we press on with all of the strength that God graciously gives us. We go where he goes. We stay when he stays. We keep God’s pace; desperate to reach for the strong guidance of his right hand.

God’s right hand is mentioned throughout the bible. His right hand represents:

· Strength

· Ability

· Protection

· Salvation

· Promise

· Provision

Is it no wonder that David reaches for the right hand of God? 

Some deserts can experience drastic temperature changes as day becomes night. You may feel like the sun is beating down on you in your wilderness season and you feel scorched. Just remember that the night watches bring shade and coolness to your dry places. 

I pray you find comfort in the shadow of his wings today and you will reach for God’s mighty right hand.

Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

The Gift of the Wilderness

Grief, rejection, depression, hopes deferred, and loss are just some of the situations that can lead us into barren and desolate spiritual places. In Psalm 63, we find that David has come to his wilderness season. In this 7-day devotional, we will walk through the verses of Psalm 63 and discover how to turn your wilderness experience into a worship experience.
