Melissa, If One Life: Love, Joy, and Hope Through Trialsਨਮੂਨਾ

“Jesus, I understand that the life I’m choosing will not be easy, but it will be the best life I could have. I realize I am asking You to have Your way in me. Jesus, You know what I will be able to handle through Your strength, so I’m ready, Jesus. I’m giving You my foolish fear because I understand You are with me. I know that my entire life is in Your hands. Lord, in that alone I take comfort.
Heavenly Father, You know also if my life or death will bring You glory. I know that my life brings You glory now, and every day I’m blessed to live I will continue to give You glory. Lord, I know You know whether more souls will come to You through my life or death. So fear is ridiculous. Jesus, help me to fear nothing but respectfully You.” – Melissa Camp
The surrendered life is not a life of safety or complacency! It is not a life absent of fear but one of courage, adventure, and risk! Jesus called out to the crowd, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me.” The people who heard this knew exactly what he meant. The cross was crucifixion—death! If you wanted a safe life, stay home. Do not follow Him, because in doing so you will lose your life. Following Jesus required self-denial, not self-preservation.
The surrendered life is actually an exchanged life. In the book of Galatians Paul says, “I am crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me.” Melissa understood this and willingly gave her life to Jesus for Him to use for His glory. She counted the cost, she weighed her options, she considered the alternative.
The only choice for Melissa was to follow Jesus. She was ready to walk just as He walked, and she was ready to lay her life down so others would come to know Jesus, her Savior whom she loved so much. She exchanged her life and her will for His and in return He gave an abundant life, filled with extraordinary love, fullness of joy, peace beyond understanding, and every desire of her heart.
Jesus is inviting you to join Him on a radical journey of passion, zeal, and extraordinary love. There is one requirement: it will cost you your life! You can choose to save your life and live in safety and complacency but in the end, you will lose your life. Or you can choose to answer the call, follow Jesus, die to self, and live. Which life do you choose?
About this Plan

Melissa, If One Life . . . is the extraordinary love story of Jeremy and Melissa Camp seen in the movie, I STILL BELIEVE. This plan is a challenging look at one life radically surrendered to Christ and the journey they took together. Experience Melissa’s journals and join the journey. “Big or small, I’m willing for it all. The journey is ours - Let’s go!”