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Devotions Inspired by the Fresh Start Bibleਨਮੂਨਾ

Devotions Inspired by the Fresh Start Bible

DAY 16 OF 21

What Is Your Name?

By Derek Dunn

In the ancient Near East, your name was more than just a word your parents called you. Your name was how others viewed you. It was a look into your soul, a reflection of your choices, a snapshot of your character; it was your identity. 

Today, while your name is special, it most likely doesn’t fully describe who you are. However, what you call yourself is still very important to God. In fact, your name as a follower of Christ is, “Child of God.” This name describes how God sees you—your true identity. 

God wants you to know who you are, and He wants you to know how He views you. He knows if you will embrace what He thinks about you, then it will shape what you think about you, and what you think about you will shape the way you live. 

But how many times have your thoughts about you been shaped by your past, mistakes, failures, hurts, words people have spoken about you, or lies you’ve believed? This was Jacob’s reality. 

If you’re hearing a name spoken over your life that is something other than, “Child of God,” then God wants to change that, but it will come with a wrestle. Only after wrestling did Jacob receive his new name, Israel—his true identity. 

God invites you to wrestle with all the other names spoken over you. Instead of running from your past, mistakes, failures, hurts, words people have spoken over you, or lies you’ve believed, He brings you face to face with those names. As you present all these to God, He will say, “No longer will that be your name.” He will speak your true name and identity to you. You’re safe with Him. He knows who you really are. He will call you by your true name. 


Lord, thank You that my true identity is found in You. You have wiped away every lie that the enemy has spoken to me and made me a child of God. Thank You for Your safety and protection. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Memory Verse

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28–30 

About this Plan

Devotions Inspired by the Fresh Start Bible

God wrote the Bible for you. This devotional, inspired by Gateway Publishing's new Fresh Start Bible One-Year Reading Plan, is a 21-day journey through God's Word to get you started in a Bible-reading habit! Our prayer is that you let God's Word renew your mind this next year!
