Your Work Matters To Godਨਮੂਨਾ

Moses’ staff represented his vocation as a shepherd. God had something in mind for his vocation—to perform miracles. And what awesome miracles He did! God turned the Nile river into blood with the touch of Moses’ staff. He turned the staff into a snake. He parted the Red Sea with it. These are just a few of the miracles God did with Moses’ staff. What is the staff God has put into your hand? Is it being a builder? Is it being an office worker? Is it being a doctor?
When we yield our talents and abilities to the Lord, God can perform miracles through them. First, Moses had to yield what He had in his hand to God. He had to lay it down. God transformed his staff into a snake. Moses had never seen his staff in this way. God also told him to pick it up by the tail, something we are cautioned never to do. Only after Moses viewed his staff in a different light could God use that staff. As long as Moses held onto it, God could not and would not perform miracles through it.
Until we come to this place with our heavenly Father, we will fail to see miracles performed in our work. He delights in showing His power through us. When we become an open vessel, we can expect to see things happen.
God’s omniscience, God’s order, and God’s opportunity all work together in an individual’s life, and Jesus Christ enters into our lives right into the midst of seemingly haphazard circumstances. –Oswald Chambers
Have you given your “staff” to the Lord? Offer it to Him and see what He might want to do through it. Your life will never be the same. Giving our “staff” to the Lord is the first step.
When is the last time something happened in your workplace that could only be explained as “God?”Describe.
If you cannot cite an example it may mean you are not experiencing the power of God in your workplace calling. God wants to reveal Himself in your workplace.
What is required of us in order for God to use our “staff” to perform miracles?
What does the following scripture say about the attitude of Paul regarding the evidence of God in his life?
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. -- 1 Corinthians 2:4-5
Workplace Application
The Lord wants to demonstrate His power in your workplace in order that others might know that the power of God is real and personal. When I led a man to Christ at a company that I was consulting with, I was able to see the power of God working in my workplace. When God met an unexpected financial need that could only beexplained as God, others began to ask about my faith. When I prayed that God would “move the mountain” of inventoried books in my basement and a large order came three hours later, God demonstrated His power in my work.
Consult with God about every detail of your daily responsibilities in your workplace. Then, you will see God manifest His power through your life in your workplace calling.
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About this Plan

Do you understand God's view of work? Each of these studies will have a work life theme. There are 12 individual Bible study lessons in this series.