Grow: Becoming More Like Jesusਨਮੂਨਾ

Human hearts are like soil. Things grow there - thoughts, ideas, and attitudes. Some of the things that grow are good. Some aren't. Even in the most beautiful gardens, weeds grow and need to be pulled so the good plants can be healthy. And even in the rockiest places, where there's no dirt to be seen, trees and other plants find ways to grow. But they can't survive heavy storms, and they won't grow tall and strong without deep roots.
Heart "soil" can change. Hard and rocky hearts can be transformed into gentle and loving hearts. Dry and dusty hearts can be changed into joyful and kind hearts. Weedy hearts can be changed into clean and pure hearts.
We can't change our hearts on our own. Only God can make that kind of change, which he promises to do if we give up control and trust him to work in our lives.
What things might cause a heart to be rocky? shallow? filled with weeds and thorns?
What needs to change about the "soil" of your heart?
Even healthy soil needs tending - weeding, fertilizing, mulching, etc. How do you tend the soil of your heart? What tending do you still need?
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

The Bible talks a lot about "growing" - learning more about Jesus, following him more closely, obeying him more naturally, and becoming more like him in our attitudes and actions. "Grow: Becoming More Like Jesus" includes verses about seeds, roots, plants, trees, and fruit, all great images for thinking about what it means to live for Jesus.