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DAY 2 OF 8

Day 2.


“At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.”
—Genesis 3:7 [NLT]

In the beginning, the glory of God consumed the Garden of Eden and covered the nakedness of Adam and Eve. The moment they sinned against God, their eyes were immediately opened, and they knew they were naked and exposed before a holy God. 

Instinctively, they covered up their sin and shame of nakedness on their terms, and using their methods – they made a temporary covering by sewing “fig leaves” together.

Covering our spiritual and emotional nakedness is a universal defence against being exposed. Like Adam and Eve, we continue to hide our shame on our terms and using our methods. Together, they temporarily relieve stress, compensate what we have lost, distract us from reality, and numb our troubled soul.

Covering examples:

1. Busyness

2. Addictions

3. Entertainment

4. Perfectionism

5. Chronic shyness

6. Religion

7. Other

What is your preferred shame covering? Why?

How has your covering been serving you?


“The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” -—Genesis 3:21 [NIV]

Before God justifiably banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, He tenderly clothed them. To be clothed with “garments of skin” implies an animal sacrifice [Genesis 3:21]. Adam and Eve’s covering through the shedding of blood is the first Biblical and prophetic reference of redemption and atonement [at-one-ment].

Through the nakedness and vulnerability of Jesus on the cross, we have His righteousness as a garment covering our sin and shame. We are mercifully and eternally covered. 


Meditation is an ancient spiritual practice that enables us to be attentive to God’s presence as we slow down, chew, ponder, and focus on Scripture, or an inspirational phrase. 

Begin this exercise by sitting comfortably and breathing deeply. 

Deep breathing can slow down your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and improve your concentration. I regularly use breathing exercises during meditation, before I preach, engage in a pastoral crisis, when I am very anxious, and before I go to sleep.

Breathe deeply, slowly and rhythmically for one minute through your nose. 

Inhale to the count of 3 

Hold your breath to the count of 3 

Exhale to the count of 3 

As you do this, repeat the phrase “I am covered in Christ” quietly into your soul.

ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ

ਦਿਨ 1ਦਿਨ 3

About this Plan


The SHAME OFF YOU devotion will take you on an eight-day pilgrimage for your soul, embracing the ancient wisdom of the Biblical narrative and a diversity of spiritual practices such as meditation, reflection, prayer, and confession. Are you ready to be a shame buster? Start reading and start moving in partnership with the Holy Spirit into shame-free living.
