Appointed To Bear Fruit: A 90 Day Journeyਨਮੂਨਾ

Jesus’ Mission
The Father desires to receive glory, and it is the Son who came to glorify the Father by submitting to His will and dying on the Cross for our sins. This opened the doors of heaven for all who would believe in the Son. The glory of the Father is linked to giving us eternal life. Jesus’ obedience to the Father should be considered in light of Adam’s disobedience. When Adam and Eve sinned in Paradise by disobeying God’s command and eating fruit from the forbidden tree, they were attempting to steal God’s glory for themselves. They didn’t want to glorify God; they wanted to become like God. Humanity still continues to live in rebellion against God today and sets themselves up as gods. We continue to steal the glory that should be directed to God. However, when we confess our sin and humble ourselves before God, saying that we are not God, we give God the glory back.
Jesus’ mission is fully connected with giving salvation to the world. When people repent and are given eternal life, glory is given to the Father. It was through the Word that all things were created. Then death entered Creation because of Adam and Eve’s sin, but Jesus came to defeat death. He came to give eternal life to all who believe. In so doing, Jesus does what no king, philosophical system, religion, or scientific idea could do. He solved the problem of sin once and for all. By defeating Satan, sin, and death, we can now have eternal life. Jesus is most greatly praised because He did what no one or no system could do. And that is why we see Him worshipped in Heaven as the Lamb that was slain: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing” (Rev. 5:12)!
Only the true God can give us eternal life. No other religion is capable of guaranteeing eternal life. Most religions claim to be the only true religion that worships the only true God; however, they don’t have any proof to support their claims. The adherents of these religions will one day face the true God and realize that they blindly followed gods of their own minds. Christianity is different. Christ did rise from the dead and is the living God. If you take the founder out of most religions, those religions essentially remain intact. You will still have their rituals, teachings, and beliefs. But if you take Christ out of Christianity, you have nothing. Christianity is not a religion based on rules and traditions, it’s a relationship with the living God through Christ. That is why if we are not abiding in Christ, we don’t have eternal life.
Jesus is clear on a very important matter: Eternal life is only given to those who believe in Christ, because there is no other way to have life or reach God. This truth should make us all the more passionate about proclaiming the gospel. All other religions, except for Christianity, offer salvation on the basis of what we do, so if we don’t pray or give the right offerings, our debt of sins will not be paid. Christianity is different. The gospel says that you can never pay your debt of sin. In fact, in spite of all your efforts to pay your debt, that debt continues to get larger. The Good News, however, is that Jesus paid our debt in full—and He saves us so that God will get all the glory.
Application: Are you passionate to proclaim the gospel to all people?
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

Understanding and meditating on Jesus' teaching and prayers in the Upper Room (John 13-17) the night before he was crucified will reveal God's purpose for your life and inspire you to take part in the most exciting movement on earth. Come and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to a missional life with Jesus that will release unspeakable joy.