The Right Pathਨਮੂਨਾ

The Magi Seek
The Magi were wise because they believed that a special King had been born. Their belief motivated them to seek out this King in order to worship Him. Seeking Him is the second way they prepared for this coming King.
Matthew tells us that they followed His star. What was this star? Down through the ages, there have been many attempts to uncover the nature of this star. Was it an astronomical anomaly? Aligning planets? The Aurora Borealis? The Shekinah Glory of God? An alien spacecraft? What truly matters is not the star, but what the Wise Men did. They did not try to determine what it was, they simply followed it by faith.
Two times in the story we are told that the star “went before them.” God was guiding the Wise Men to Christ. All they had to do was follow where God led and God led them right to the very house where the King, Jesus Christ, was living. Matthew tells us that Jesus was around 2 years old when the Magi arrived and that they brought three gifts—gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
You may have seen the statement that is repeated at Christmas time each year that says, “Wise men still seek Him”. These first Wise Men showed us how to seek Him—believe and then follow where God leads. The amazing truth is that Jesus wants us to seek Him and He wants to be found. When we seek Him, He makes it easy for us to find Him. He loves us and desires for us to be with Him for eternity. It’s why He was born to live and die—for you and me. Notice in the story that after the Magi find Christ, God divinely warns them not to return to Herod. Again, they believe and follow as God is still leading.
First the Magi believed, and then they put their belief into action and sought the King who was born in Bethlehem. The Wise Men were on the right path—believing and seeking Jesus the King as God led them. Are we wise? Are we still seeking Him? Are we on the right path? Does our path lead to Jesus the King? To follow His lead is wise indeed.
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

How will you prepare to celebrate the Savior's birth this year? Many people have traditions such as listening to Christmas music, sending cards, decorating a tree, or reading the Christmas story. During this Advent devotion, we'll be looking at 5 different responses from people who were present for the coming of Jesus and we'll look at how they prepared for His arrival. We'll now look at The Magi’s response.