Josh McDowell's Youth Devotionsਨਮੂਨਾ

Do you know where glass comes from? How about rubber or penicillin? See if you can match each item in the first list with its source in the second list.
1. Rubber
2. Silk
3. Penicillin
4. Glass
5. Moonlight
6. Sponges
7. Wool
8. Wax
9. Leather
10. Ivory
A. The sun
B. Sea animals
C. Sand, lime, and soda
D. Sheep
E. Elephant tusks
F. Mold
G. Trees
H. Caterpillar cocoons
I. Animal, vegetable, and mineral oils
J. Animal skins
So, how many did you get right? More important, what's the point? Well, how about this: Can you add one more answer in the second list that would be the source for every one of the things in the first list?
If you answered, "God," congratulations! You're right. God is the source of all those things in the first list. He is also the source of all those items listed second. In fact, God is the source of all good not just good "things," like roses and kittens and chocolate and laughter. He is the source of everything that is good-like honesty, faithfulness, courage, respect, love, and life. "Good" comes from God because he is good. "Right" comes from God because he is righteous. The definition of what is "moral" comes from God, because he is holy.
REFLECT: Based on today's reading, what title would you give God? (For example, he is called Jehovah-jireh, which means "my provider.") Come up with your own name.
Do you ever try to "get" good things by disobeying God? Do you think good can come from doing wrong? Why or why not?
ACT: Let you parents take the same quiz above. Then surprise them by informing them that one answer can be given for all of the items in the left column: God!
PRAY: "Thanks, God, for being the source of all the good things that are mine, including..."
Do you know where glass comes from? How about rubber or penicillin? See if you can match each item in the first list with its source in the second list.
1. Rubber
2. Silk
3. Penicillin
4. Glass
5. Moonlight
6. Sponges
7. Wool
8. Wax
9. Leather
10. Ivory
A. The sun
B. Sea animals
C. Sand, lime, and soda
D. Sheep
E. Elephant tusks
F. Mold
G. Trees
H. Caterpillar cocoons
I. Animal, vegetable, and mineral oils
J. Animal skins
So, how many did you get right? More important, what's the point? Well, how about this: Can you add one more answer in the second list that would be the source for every one of the things in the first list?
If you answered, "God," congratulations! You're right. God is the source of all those things in the first list. He is also the source of all those items listed second. In fact, God is the source of all good not just good "things," like roses and kittens and chocolate and laughter. He is the source of everything that is good-like honesty, faithfulness, courage, respect, love, and life. "Good" comes from God because he is good. "Right" comes from God because he is righteous. The definition of what is "moral" comes from God, because he is holy.
REFLECT: Based on today's reading, what title would you give God? (For example, he is called Jehovah-jireh, which means "my provider.") Come up with your own name.
Do you ever try to "get" good things by disobeying God? Do you think good can come from doing wrong? Why or why not?
ACT: Let you parents take the same quiz above. Then surprise them by informing them that one answer can be given for all of the items in the left column: God!
PRAY: "Thanks, God, for being the source of all the good things that are mine, including..."
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

Written for teenagers to use in their daily quiet time readings, this plan will make them laugh or cry. Some are fiction, some are stranger than fiction, but each will help you discover how to make right choices in the everyday ups and downs of life. Josh McDowell's Youth Devotions is a daily adventure in making right choices.
© 2011 Josh McDowell Ministry. All rights reserved. No part of these Materials may be changed in any way or reproduced in any form without written permission from Josh McDowell Ministry, 2001 W Plano Pkwy, Ste. 2400, Plano, TX 75075. +1 972 907 1000. Used by Permission.