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Declutter Now! 30 Day Devotionalਨਮੂਨਾ

Declutter Now! 30 Day Devotional

DAY 22 OF 30

Decluttering for Kids

Would you like to give your kids the gift that keeps on giving? Teach them to declutter when they’re young so staying that way will be a natural, normal way of life.

So today, let’s shrink down the decluttering message and apply it to our little ones. Here are some practical tips to help you coach them to lifelong decluttering success!

Bedrooms – Kids need to play, and yes, even be messy at times, but they need to be taught how to straighten up, organize, and keep things tidy. Regardless of how old your children are, give them age appropriate daily and weekly responsibilities, and hold them accountable, doling out consequences when necessary.

Stuff – Teach your children to periodically sort through their stuff, clothes and toys alike. Are they broken, torn, outgrown, etc.? Make it a quarterly task to decide what stays, gets tossed, donated, or sold. If you enjoy yard sales, they’re a great opportunity to wet your child’s entrepreneurial appetite. Donating to those less fortunate is another valuable teaching moment.

Schedules – If you have an over-achieving go-getter, it may be hard, but sometimes necessary, to hold them back. Each child is unique, so evaluate individually, but teaching the beauty of balance will impart life skills that will serve your kiddo well for their entire life. Being healthily involved is one thing, but being overwhelmed and stressed out will only hurt not help. Teach them the value of saying ‘no’.

So this begs the point. Not only should you coach your kids to declutter, but you must lead by example. God doesn’t ask anything of us that he isn’t doing himself, and the same should go for us and our children.

What will you declutter? Cluttered kids, children with no decluttering life skills to guide them as they grow, and years of heartache, frustration, aggravation and wasted resources for them, as well as for yourself.

ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ

About this Plan

Declutter Now! 30 Day Devotional

Adapted from Declutter Now! Uncovering the Hidden Joy and Freedom in Your Life by Lindon & Sherry Gareis, this devotional will take you through (8) different life areas to uncover the hidden time, money, peace, energy, space, and freedom you never knew you had. Simplify, organize, and clean out clutter with a ‘whole life’ approach, and experience tremendous joy living a decluttered life for yourself, your family, and for Christ.
