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In the beginning לא

1and he has heard the words of Lavan's sons, thus to say: Yaakov has taken all that which our father has have had, and of our father's have has he made the this whole wealth. 2and Yaakov has seen on Lavan's face, look he is not to him as recent past-day before yesterday. 3and Hashem has said to Yaakov: turn self down to the land of your fathers, and to your descent, and I will be with you(SG). 4has Yaakov sent and has called Rachel and Leah in field, to his sheep. 5and he has to them said: I behold on your father's face, that he is not to me as recent past-day before yesterday; but the G-d of my father is having been with me. 6and you (PL) know that with my whole might have I served your father. 7and your father has made mockery of me, and has changed/modified my wage ten times, but G-d has him not permitted evil things do with me. 8that he has thus said: speckled shall be your wage, have all sheep given birth to speckled; and that he has thus said: striped shall be your wage, have all sheep given birth to striped. 9and G-d has taken from your father's livestock, and given me. 10and it is having been in the time when the sheep have self mate, have I lifted up my eyes, and have seen in dream, look the billy goats which jump on on the sheep are striped, speckled, and spotted. 11and the Angel of G-d has said to me in dream: Yaakov! and I have said: here am I. 12has he to me said: lift now up your eyes and behold, all billy goats which jump on on the sheep are striped, speckled, and spotted; because I have seen all that which Lavan does to you(SG). 13I am the G-d Beit-El which you (sg) have there anointed a pillar, where you (sg) have done a vow to me. and now stand up, go out from this land, and turn self down to the land of your birth.
14have Rachel and Leah answered and said to him: have we then still a share or a inheritance in our father's house? 15are we not thus as foreigners/strangers considered as by him? because he has us sold, and devour also eaten up this money for us. 16because the whole wealth which Hashem has taken away from our father, this is ours and our children's. and now, all that which G-d has you(SG) ordered, do.
17is Yaakov arose, and has sat upon his children and his wives on camels; 18and he has led away this whole livestock of his, and his all possessions which he has accumulated, this livestock of his purchased property which he has accumulated in Paddanah-Aram – so that to go to his father Yitzchak, to Canaan. 19and Lavan is having been went (his) way shear his sheep. has Rachel made off with the idols/terafim of her father. 20and Yaakov has stole away unawares of Lavan the Aramean with which he has him not allowed perceive that he fled away. 21and he is fled away with all that which he has have had, and he is arose and crossed over the river/Euphrates, and has turned his face to mount Gil'ad.
22is informed having become Lavan on third day that Yaakov is fled away. 23has he took his relatives with self, and has him pursued seven days journey, and he has him caught up with on mount Gil'ad.
24is G-d having come to Lavan the Aramean in a dream of the night, and has to him said: beware you, you(SG) must not speak with Yaakov of good things to evil things.
25and Lavan has caught up with Yaakov. and Yaakov has set up/pitched his tent on mountain; also Lavan and his relatives have staged on mount Gil'ad. 26has Lavan said to Yaakov: what have you (sg) done which you (sg) have stole away unawares, and have led away my daughters thus as captives of sword? 27why are you fled away in stealth, and have self steal away from me, and have me not disclosed, that I shall you escort with joy and with songs, with tambourine and with harp? 28and have me not allowed to kiss my sons and my daughters. foolishly have you (sg) now done. 29my hand has in power to do with you (PL) evil things, but the G-d of your father has recent past by night said to me, thus to say: beware you from to speak with Yaakov of good things to evil things. 30and now, to go away are you went (his) way, because yearn (for) have you (sg) self yearning after your father's house, why but have you (sg) stolen my g-ds?
31has Yaakov answered and has said to Lavan: because I have fear have had, because I have thought: what if will you rob away your daughters from me. 32with whom but you (sg) will find your g-ds, this one shall not live. before our relatives identify which is yours with me, and take to you(SG) to. and Yaakov has not aware that Rachel has it stolen.
33is Lavan went into in the tent of Yaakov, and in the tent of Leah, and in the tent of the two maid servants, and he has not found; and he is having come out from Leah's tent, and is go in in the tent of Rachel. 34and Rachel has taken the idols/terafim, and has them put in saddle cushion of the camel, and has self sat on it; and Laban has felt around this whole tent, and has not found. 35has she said to her father: shall not be annoyed in the eyes of my master, that I can not stand up before you(SG), because the manner of women is by me. and he has searched, and has not found the idols/terafim.
36has Yaakov annoyed, and he has self contended with Lavan. and Yaakov has self responded and has said to Lavan: what is my transgression/offense, what is my sin, that you (sg) have me pursued? 37that you (sg) have felt through all my things, what have you (sg) found from all your ? set down it here before my relatives and your relatives, and shall they adjudicate between us both. 38for the twenty years which I am having been with you(SG), have your sheep and your goats not for thrown/miscarried, and the rams of your flock have I not eaten. 39a torn have I not brought to you(SG); I used to suffer its loss; from my hand you used to it demand payment, stolen by day, or stolen by night. 40by day used to me devour the heat, and the frost by night; and my sleep has departed from from my eyes. 41for twenty years am I having been in your house: fourteen years have I you(SG) served for your two daughters, and six years for your sheep; and you (sg) have changed/modified my wage ten times. 42when it who not the G-d of my father, the G-d of Avraham and the Dread of Yitzchak, would having been with me, would me now sent off with empty-handed. Hashem has seen my suffering and the drudgery of my hands, and he has adjudicate recent past by night.
43has Lavan answered and has said to Yaakov; the daughters are my daughters, and the children my children, and the sheep my sheep, and all that what you (sg) you see is mine; and what can I today do to the these daughters my, or to their children which they have given birth to? 44and now, come let us establish a covenant, I and you (sg), and shall it be to testimony/witness between me and between you(SG).
45has Yaakov taken a stone, and has him set up for a pillar stone. 46and Yaakov has said to his relatives: gather on stones. have they taken stones, and made a heap/mound, and they have eaten there on heap/mound. 47and Laban has it called Yegar-Sahaduta, and Yaakov has it called Gale'ed. 48and Lavan has said: the this one heap/mound is a testimony/witness between me and between you(SG) today. therefore has they called its name Gil'ad; 49and also Mitzpah, because he has said: Hashem shall watch over between me and between you(SG), when we will be concealed one from another, 50if you (sg) will cause to suffer my daughters, and if you (sg) will you take other wives to my daughters, while no man is there near us; behold, G-d is a testimony/witness between me and between you(SG).
51and Lavan has said to Yaakov: here is the this one heap/mound, and here is the pillar stone, which I have established between me and between you(SG). 52a testimony/witness is the this one heap/mound, and a testimony/witness the pillar stone, that I will not go over the this heap/mound to you(SG), and that you (sg) will not go over the this heap/mound and the this pillar stone to me, to evil. 53shall the G-d of Avraham, and the G-d of Nachor, the G-d of their father, judge between us. and Yaakov has sworn an oath by the Dread of his father Yitzchak.
54and Yaakov has slaughtered slaughter sacrifice/zavach on mountain, and he has called his relatives to eat bread; and they have eaten bread, and have spent the night on mountain.





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