Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalm 27:14

Waiting Well
3 Days
We don’t like to wait. From standing in line at the grocery store to anticipating God to move in our situation, each of us is familiar with the dreaded experience. The question then is not, “Are we going to wait,” but rather, “HOW are we going to wait?” Discover today how to avoid emotional fits of impatience and doubt, and develop a biblical strategy for waiting well.

Overcoming Anxiety
3 Days
Are you ever been paralyzed with worry and anxiety? Find rest in these Christian meditation videos. These three videos include helpful guidance, biblical devotionals, and prayer to help you manage those moments when life seems out of control.

The Priestly Prayer Of The Blessing
3 Days
This fascinating reading plan will inspire you to proclaim blessings over yourself and your loved ones. It will equip you on how to bring favor, prosperity, healing, wisdom, miracles and bring so much more to your life.

What Is Love?
3 Days
Poets and songwriters throughout time have written about the joy and the pain associated with love. Have you ever been hurt by love? The theme of these guided audio meditations is love. Day 1 is how the Bible teaches you to recognize it. Day 2 is how to recover when it hurts. Day 3 is learning to cast your care on God as you wait for his healing.

Hidden Treasure Within
3 Days
Do you ever feel lonely? When you are lonely, you ache for companionship. But when you seek solitude, you enjoy being alone. These guided meditations are treasured times of solitude with God. Times of solitude to hear His voice, even when your world is noisy. These Christ-centered meditations are treasures of solitude to help you stop minding worldly time and cast your cares on Him who created time.

UNPACK This...For NFL Draft Fans
3 days
This 3-day reading plan unpacks the NFL Draft along with Biblical Truth. Through a lens of faith, you'll be challenged, encouraged, and inspired as a sports fan to follow Jesus and become more like Him.

God Knows your name
3 Days
Singles, when you feel like your dreams, opportunities, breakthrough, careers, or marriage is being delayed. God never said NO. It’s just being delayed for his PERFECT TIME! God has not forgotten about you, God knows your name.

The Ten Miracles of God's Goodness
3 Days
In this eye-opening three-day devotional, you will learn that the goodness of God explains EVERYTHING. And His goodness is looking for YOU. You don’t have to chase it down. God designed “goodness” to follow you ALL the days of your life! This devotional will shape your expectations and free you from negative emotions caused by a misconception of God’s truly good and loving nature.

3 Days to Break Free From Worry
3 Days
We live in the age of worry, especially since COVID-19 changed every part of our lives. Worry can dominate our thoughts, influence our emotions, and drain our physical resources. It’s an unwelcome guest and a disruptive intruder. But Christian counselor Dr. H. Norman Wright and Bryn Edwards help remind us how we can know freedom from worry as we center our thoughts on God in this three day reading plan.

The Process Between the Promise Made and the Promise Fulfilled
3 Days
Has the enemy ever tried to make you feel like a fool for believing something that has not happened yet? In this short three day plan, you will be encouraged to wait well and your faith will be reignited!

Hunger And Thirst
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming devotional. Choose to hunger and thirst after righteousness. Choose to hunger after God’s Way of doing things. Choose to thirst after God’s Word. Let His Word lead your heart as you read this timely message.

Wait Patiently
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads listeners in this timely message. Wait patiently for the Lord, and He will hear your cry. Wait patiently for the Lord, and He will answer you. Wait patiently for the Lord, and He will strengthen you. Wait patiently for the Lord, and He will order your steps. Wait patiently for the Lord, and His Peace will rule your heart.

Arms of Jesus: A 3-Day Devotional With Cade Thompson
3 Days
All of us go through struggles, trials, and pain in this life. What matters is what you fall into when you encounter those moments. Will you fall into the ways of the world or fall into the arms of Jesus? In this plan, you will be challenged to truly trust Jesus with whatever you are walking through and fall into His arms once again.

Reducing Anxiety
4 Days
These four sessions on overcoming anxiety will include some helpful guides, biblical devotion, and prayer to help you manage through those moments where life seems out of control and you feel you have no way of coping. Cheryl is a psychotherapist and licensed professional counselor in private practice who guides you through these sessions for those times you are feeling the most anxious.

Unequally Yoked
4 Days
How do I live with a spouse who does not believe in God? That question is not unusual in our world today, and couples who face this situation encounter many problems. Without the common foundation of faith in Christ, marriage is unbalanced. In this plan, Dr. Kim Kimberling helps you know what to do when your marriage is unequally yoked.

Finding Merry
4 Days
Has your joy for the holidays gone missing? Are there too many demands, much too much heartache, and not enough money to find your merry? What do you do when everyone seems to be having the best season ever while you fake happy holiday sentiments and eat Christmas cookies alone? Put the cookies down and get on track to find your merry in this 4-day plan with Cheri Strange.

Wisdom in Waiting
4 Days
You aren't alone if you find waiting difficult. It's especially difficult in this culture of instant gratification. Join us at Abide as we meditate on the biblical gems of the "Wisdom in Waiting."

Gone Fishin' Five
4 Days
Many people are smiling, but hurting inside. I have discovered that God is doing something in everyone's life, and He's doing something in mine too! I'm loving/praying for strangers like never before. And they are grateful. These personal stories in my life are to help you help others move one step closer to God.

Better View, Part II
4 Days
We all have questions and doubts. It’s what we do with them that matters. God is ready to guide and comfort us as we bring our worries to Him and grow closer to Him in the process. Written by Life.Church Worship Pastors Cassidy Estevez, Rob Estevez, Luke Guevara, and Ashten Wellman—the artists from Switch—this Plan is part of the Switch Music release, Better View, Part II.

Why Wait?
4 Days
I hate waiting. That’s probably why God is teaching me, again and again, to wait on Him faithfully, hopefully, and expectantly. If you are waiting on the Lord for something, don’t miss this journey on how we can take heart (rather than lose our minds) during seasons of waiting!

Grab the Red Phone!
5 Days
When trials seem beyond what we can bear, where do we run? Who do we call when we are under attack? This five-day devotion from Thistlebend will help learn how to use the red phone - to run, cling, and hold fast to God, regardless of the circumstances.

What Should I Do Instead Of Worry?
5 Days
Worry is something that people of all ages deal with. This reading plan shows us that God doesn’t want us to worry. He is right here with us and will help us through any situation! These songs will help you remember what the Bible says about worry and fill you with hope! What are some things you worry about? What do these verses say to do instead?

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 11)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her seven children and lived to tell about it. Part 11 of12 devotions in this series from Robin Meadows

Brave: Experiencing God In The Waiting
5 Days
Being in a season of waiting can feel overwhelming and purposeless. However, because of Gods love we can find bravery, courage and hope in the midst of it all. You can discover that the wait has a divine purpose. When you lay it all down and surrender, you learn that you are braver than what you once thought you were.

A Woman Of Purpose And Power
5 Days
Our culture encourages women to seek purpose and identity in all the wrong places. This devotional will help you live according to your unique, God-given purpose, based on your identity in Christ and using the unique gifts He has given you. Each day includes a passage from both the Old and New Testaments and a takeaway thought to draw you closer to God and His plans for your life.