Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 6
Winning Over Worry
3 Days
In addition to the challenges we face in our everyday lives, we are bombarded and overwhelmed daily with an influx of negativity and distressing information through technology and the internet. As a result, many are experiencing anxiety, depression, and fear. This 3-day devotional will help us to learn to rechannel our negative emotions and to win over worry.
Sang Tere (With You)
3 Days
Discover how “working with” is better than working for God, Culture and people. A plan birthed from a hindi worship song - Sang Tere (With You)
How to Forgive When It Seems Impossible
5 Days
Forgiveness truly is God’s master key. It is the most powerful life-transforming tool that we have. Learning to pray this amazing prayer is the beginning of a lifetime of adventures with God. It will not only bring healing to your past, but it will also open up new doors for you in the future.
Sermon on the Mount: A Blueprint for Life
5 Days
Perhaps the most famous speech ever given, this relatively small collection has shaped the lives of billions, and in many ways created the world we see around us today. Together we'll look at how Jesus' Sermon can be used as a blueprint for us to live our lives to its absolute fullest.
Tim Timmons - Awake Our Souls
7 Days
Tim Timmons is an accomplished Singer-Songwriter and cancer survivor. The album Awake Our Souls is a portrait of Tim's own awakening and an invitation for every listener to discover the abundant life beyond belief. In partnership with TheOverflow, this 7 day devo applies scripture to 7 songs from the album Awake Our Souls to help people discover for themselves the real life found in Jesus.
Matthew Explained Part 1 | The Coming of the King
7 Days
The world holds democracy as the ideal government, but the truth is, as Christians, we are citizens of a Kingdom. Matthew's gospel points us to our King - Jesus. Grab your headphones and join us as our audio guides lead you through the Beginning of Matthew, as we examine the Coming of the King.
Praying for Results
7 Days
In this fast-paced, multi-tasking world, believers in Christ are challenged to remain Kingdom focused. Because we are constantly bombarded with information and entertainment through technology and the internet, we must be intentional about maintaining a fervent and effective prayer life. This seven-day devotional offers practical steps to quiet the noise of the world, and receive answers from God.
Defy Your Limitations
7 Days
Your life experience is yours to create, so why settle for less than a life of ultimate purpose and fulfillment? This plan will help you confront the limitations keeping you in mediocrity and empower you with all you need to defy those limitations and embrace the life God has destined you to live.
The Greatest Secret: How Being God's Adopted Children Changes Everything
14 Days
Theologian Krish Kandiah had been a missionary, a youth worker and a pastor – but for all his Christian qualifications, he found himself lost in his relationship with God. That was until he rediscovered his Christian faith through a simple secret: he was adopted by God. Krish shows us how the doctrine of adoption helps us to understand everything; it gives us purpose and power, perspective and peace.
Following Jesus Through Matthew
14 Days
This Bible reading plan journeys through the book of Matthew, taking a closer look at the first-hand accounts of Jesus' impact during his time on earth.
Jesus Christ Crash Course (Part 1)
14 Days
Matthew, one of Jesus’ inner circle, was inspired by God to write one of the four biographies about Jesus, and it can change your life. From the ultimate message on Christian living (Sermon on the Mount) to the invitation to find rest in Jesus, from the parables to understand God and grace to the final week of Jesus’ life, Matthew offers us a Jesus Christ Crash Course.
Matthew Explained Part 1 | Jesus Begins
15 Days
Jesus came to set up a kingdom that never ends, and it will be like no other empire or movement the world has ever seen. But that’s because it will be led by someone who has no equal. Matthew introduces us to Jesus, and we will be as shocked as Matthew was when Jesus invited him, “come, follow me”.
Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Matthew
20 Days
The Gospel of Matthew bridges the gap between the testaments, swinging back to gather up prophecies and going forward into the future, the first to mention the church by name. Matthew presents Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah and King. And though originally written to Jewish people, we can see Jesus Christ in a fresh new light through these 20 lessons from trusted Bible teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee.
Faith & Love: A One Year Bible Reading Plan - Part 4
20 Days
This one-year plan will take you on a journey in Faith and Love through the New Testament. We hope that you will be challenged to grow spiritually and be inspired as a follower of Jesus. This is Part 4 of 12.
Less of Me/More of Him, A 21-Day Fasting Study
21 Days
Be challenged to do more than just abstain from food, but set yourself apart mentally, physically, and spiritually through fasting. God promises if we seek Him with our whole heart, He will be found. He is a near God who hears our prayers and is attentive. Dive in and draw closer to God than ever before.
Good Question
21 Days
Jesus asked a lot of questions when he walked the earth 2000 years ago—307 recorded questions, to be exact. Good Question is a three-week series designed to zero in on three major questions Jesus asked that we believe everyone should wrestle with.
God's Word: We Live and Die by It
27 Days
Research shows that many people today do not have a firm conviction to submit our lives under the authority of the Word of God–to live and die by it. But doing so leads to our best possible life.
God Is ... Through Matthew
28 Days
Who is God to you? Is He angry and ready to pounce on you every time you fail? Or is He the God who is love, grace, and mercy? The way you view God will determine how you will stand in hard times. You will confidently know that your God has your back when you complete this 28-day journey to discover who God is through Matthew.
The F.O.O.D. Challenge - 30 Prayers
30 Days
This is a 5 step challenge-All you need to do is-READ.LISTEN.WRITE.PRAY. and POST. Read-The Word, 1 Chapter-A-Day, Everyday, Listen-For God to speak directly to you from selected verses, Write-make notes(there are questions to help here), Pray-Say 30 prayers carefully crafted from the Word, Post-Create a verse image and share on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, Pin It anywhere you like. So Read-Listen-Write-Pray & Post God's word for the next 30 days.
30 Day Challenge for Positive Living
30 Days
Need more positivity in your life? Take a month and read this plan that will change your outlook. Positive living begins “with God.” Each day you will start with a challenge. Then you will read a devotional with questions and applications for your life, followed by a prayer, praise, and promise of God. Take the 30-day challenge and see how God changes you one day at a time!
The Gospels
30 Days
This plan, compiled and presented by the folks at, will help you read through all four Gospels in thirty days. Get firm grasp of Jesus' life and ministry in a short span of time.
Let's Read the Bible Together (April)
30 Days
Part four of a 12-part series, this plan leads communities through the whole Bible together in 365 days. Invite others to join in every time you start a new part each month. This series works well with audio Bibles—listen in less than 20 minutes per day! Each section includes Old and New Testament chapters, with Psalms scattered throughout. Part four features the books of Matthew and Job.
Pioneer: Taking New Ground Together, Part 4
30 Days
We want to take new ground in every area of our lives. As we pioneer, we are going to need a big faith and a courageous spirit. One of the greatest ways we build our faith is by engaging the Scriptures and listening to the Word of God. The greatest days are ahead because the greatest adventures of your life have yet to be lived. It’s time to pioneer.