Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 6:68

Discipleship & Commitment
3 Days
Jesus asks a lot from his followers. He asks for commitment and He sets the bar high. In this plan, you will work with this theme in a few days. What does the Bible say? What does Jesus say and how can you practise this?

Called to Write
3 Days
If you feel called by God to write, this 3-day plan will encourage you to passionately pursue your craft and become the writer God created you to be. It’s an act of courage and discipline to put pen to paper, but just imagine how God will use your book, blog, article一or whatever you’re dreaming up一to bless others.

The Unoffendable Heart
4 Days
Pastor Mike Signorelli of V1 Church takes you on a journey through scripture and teaches how to live unoffendable.

Pursue the Who: Pursue Team
4 Days
This four-day reading plan invites readers to evaluate, draft and commit to the team God has given us as we Pursue Team in Christ together.

Kids Bible Experience | God: Also Known As…
4 Days
Names are like labels in our brains. They put everything we know about someone into folders… or piles! But what do you know about God? What comes to your mind when you hear His name? Join us as we explore the many names of God and what they mean to us today!

The Bread of Life
5 Days
Jesus made himself nothing to give us an abundance of forgiveness and everything we need. This video series shows you how Jesus is truly the Bread of Life.

Yes, He Knows!
5 Days
I went out for a run one morning when it was dark and very cloudy, but the moon kept breaking through—so beautiful and peaceful. I felt so close to our Saviour, Jesus Christ. While running, I was reflecting on this season of Easter and the Holy Spirit impressed upon me the following in this 5-day plan leading up to Easter.

Where Jesus Walked
5 Days
Visiting Israel truly makes the stories of the Bible come to life. After seeing the Holy Land with my own eyes for the first time, I returned home with a heightened sense of gratitude and awe. In this devotional, I share with you a few of the insights and truths I learned while walking where Jesus walked.

The Essential Jesus (Part 15): The Hard Sayings of Jesus
5 Days
In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.

Know the Word
5 Days
To fully understand the Word, one should know about the Word. Know about the Word and be inspired by this 5-day reading plan.

The Dark Cave: Wisdom for Dark Nights of the Soul
5 Days
We all face dry seasons in our faith where God seems to be silent or absent in our lives. We pray and call out to him, but he doesn't answer. But what if God's silence in these seasons isn't a sign of disapproval, but of God's confidence? In this reading plan you'll look at how to respond with faith when God seems silent or distant.

Hope From Israel: The Hope We Have in Jesus
5 Days
This video plan was recorded at various sites in Israel where Jesus once walked. It gives a close look at Jesus and the hope he gives us.

Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospel
5 Days
The New Testament makes claims about events from the distant past for which there is little or no forensic evidence. Yet as in the cold cases that detective J. Warner Wallace investigates, the truth about what happened can be discovered by examining the statements of eyewitnesses. These devotionals will help you weigh the facts of Christianity—and defend them.

Can You Just Sit With Me? Sitting With God in Grief
5 Days
There comes a point in the grief journey where it feels as if no one understands. Those feelings are real and valid because we have a “hurry up and get over it” culture that brushes over grief. In this devotional, you will learn how to sit with God in your grief—to know you are never alone, he understands, and he can comfort every grieving heart, including yours.

The Part Of God’s Will No One Wants
6 Days
In the most difficult times, we can deeply trust that those are the very circumstances God will use to accomplish His eternal plan in us! He is faithful not to wound us at random; He is faithful to save us forever. Throughout our lives, we will surely experience pain and heartache, but they are not meant to thwart the mission of the Lord, but to further it! So, keep standing. Keep trusting.

Grieving Well
6 Days
Grief comes as a natural part of life. When you lose someone you love, navigating the grieving process can be difficult. Through this reading plan, Tony Evans speaks from his heart based on the recent, sudden loss of his niece. These principles can help you to learn how to grieve well and embrace healing.

The Life of Jesus, Part 4 (4/10)
6 Days
Come on a journey with me and learn more about the life of Jesus. Together we watch a short clip of the movie The Life of Jesus and reflect on what we see. Discover who Jesus really was and what He can mean to you. This reading plan is the 4th out of 10. You can read each plan separately but we challenge you to complete the entire journey.

The Curious Questions Of Jesus
7 Days
Jesus loved questions. Of the 183 questions Jesus was asked by people, He most often answered by asking a question Himself. It was the most common way He helped people grow. Join Tom Hughes, author of the book Curious and pastor of Christian Assembly Church in Los Angeles on this 7-day journey watching your faith grow as you respond to the questions Jesus is still asking.

Jesus Revealed Pt. 6 - Jesus Satisfies Like No Other
7 Days
Have you heard the term “hangry”? It's when one is so hungry they let their emotions take over their responses. As soon as they've eaten, they return to normal. In Plan 6, we see some hungry people. Not only are they hungry physically, but Jesus sees their need is spiritual. Their hunger revealed their heart position more than anything else. What does your hunger reveal about you?

Come, Let's Go! Discipleship in Evangelism
7 days
Three times in I Samuel, Jonathan said to his young armor bearer, "Come, Let's Go!" Three times in Revelation 22 Jesus said, "I'm coming soon!" It's been more than 2,000 years since Jesus made this promise. Jesus gave the church a simple job to do. It's called the Great Commission. So church, why hasn't Jesus COME back yet? We need discipleship in evangelism! COME, LET'S GO!

Motivation For The Great Commission
7 Days
Perhaps you’ve heard someone talk about the Great Commission to “disciple the nations” (see Matthew 28:18-20) this way: “Jesus had only one plan—His disciples—and if they didn’t do it, it wouldn’t get done!” One might respond, “I feel like it all depends on me!” Let’s look to God's Word to better understand how we might live in light of the Great Commission as disciplemakers and help others do the same!

Never Alone
7 Days
In a time where social distancing and isolation have become buzz words, this 7-day devotional alongside the musical-EP has been written to declare and remind us of God’s word and promises to us! 'Never Alone’ is God’s word to us! He will never leave us or forsake us.

Jesus I Am
7 Days
Do you know who Jesus is? Who is the Savior of the world who defeated death and rose from the grave? Jesus defined himself throughout the New Testament. Let's further understand Jesus.

How to Accurately Apply the Scripture
7 Days
God gave us His Word, not just for us to know it, but to live it out. We must hear Scripture first in its proper context and setting to arrive at its meaning. Once we understand the original meaning, we can apply it to different situations in our life. We worship God by applying the principles He gives us in His Word, and He blesses us for it.

Ever Wonder Why?
7 Days
What if faith is less about knowing all the right answers and more about asking hard questions? If you’ve ever wondered why God seems unfair, why He doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we expect, or why a loving God would create hell, this 7-day Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s Ever Wonder Why? series, is for you.