Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 14

The Holy____
5 Days
Who is the Holy Spirit? Come journey with us as we dive deep into learning all about the Holy Spirit. We want to you receive a fresh encounter and fresh revelation and to be empowered to live in and carry out His Kingdom in our everyday lives.

WEAVER - God Wastes Nothing but Weaves Everything for His Glory and Our Good
5 Days
God wastes nothing (our life circumstances, trials, or past) but weaves everything together for His glory and our good. Scripture passages with their applications are like multi-colored and textured threads woven to create a tapestry of God’s Truth and purpose in our lives.

God's Extraordinary Lessons in Ordinary Things
5 Days
Be alert to your surroundings: everyday appearances of people, places, and things that are signs of God working and speaking to you.

To Follow Jesus by Rocky Fleming
5 Days
What does it mean to deny self and take up our cross to follow Jesus? This five-day series by Rocky Fleming explores the challenges a disciple must face and the cost of following Jesus.

We Were Sexual Before We Were Sinful
6 Days
You have been written into a wonderful story. God’s story is one that includes Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. However, our conversations surrounding sex often focus on the fall - in reality, we were sexual before we were sinful! In this plan, we'll look at what scripture says about God's creation and design for sex.

Fearless Devotional
7 Days
2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that “God has not given us a spirit of fear.” A powerful truth, but not one that is easy to walk in. Sometimes it seems like fear is stalking us, just waiting to take control of our lives. We don’t have to live this way. This week-long devotional from Seacoast Church will encourage you to stand firm in the face of fear. Through God’s power and his promises to us, we can learn what it means to be Fearless.

Six Steps to a More Engaging Prayer Life
7 Days
John Wesley is credited for saying, “God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.” Although we may or may not be called to pioneer a global Christian reformation, prayer gives us immediate access to God. This miracle-working God is longing to meet us in prayer to partner with Him in reforming our spheres of influence! This plan includes an acrostic to help you bolster up your prayer life.

Navigating Change: Following the Footsteps of Jesus
7 Days
If you’re a follower of Jesus, you take your cues for life from Him. And, if you are a human, the reality is you are going to experience tons of change and transitions over the course of your life. That’s why, over the next seven days, we will watch Jesus lead Himself and others through the final moments of His earthly ministry to develop a practical theology for transitioning through seasons of life well.

Easter: I Am
8 Days
Who is Jesus? Discover what Jesus says about Himself and what that means for your life as we explore the eight powerful "I am" statements found in the Gospel of John.

John Explained Part 2 | Darkness Closes In
8 Days
John’s gospel brings us some of the greatest stories and most compelling characters in the whole Bible. From the man born blind to Lazarus’ premature death to Mary anointing Jesus' feet, John brings us personal encounters with Jesus that change hearts and restore lives. Yet even as the miracles continue, the controversy over Jesus’ identity builds. Peyton Jones guides us with clear explanations and compelling narration through John 7-14.

Together in Scripture | God's Eternal Love
9 Days
The Gospel of John is an eye-witness account of who Jesus is by one of his closest friends. In this 9-day plan, you'll read the story of how Jesus becomes human as the incarnation of the God of Israel. He is both the Messiah and the Son of God who gives eternal life to all who believe in him.

The Orchard
9 Days
The Orchard combines the poetry of the New Testament with piano music inspired by those poems plus beautiful video footage. This series of videos allows space for quiet contemplation allowing the Spirit of Christ to work and speak, in order to continue to produce His fruit in our lives. In writing these piano pieces, mostly on a quiet Sunday afternoon, I have enjoyed the peace and contentment gained from meditating deeply on these poems and I pray the same for you.

BibleProject | God's Eternal Love
9 Days
The Gospel of John is an eye-witness account of who Jesus is by one of his closest friends. In this 9-day plan, you'll read the story of how Jesus becomes human as the incarnation of the God of Israel. He is both the Messiah and the Son of God who gives eternal life to all who believe in him.

A 10 Day Journey Praying the Scriptures
10 Days
When life is hard, you don't know what to pray, or when words aren't enough, I hope you will discover the power of praying God's Word. He loves it when you speak His truths back to Him.

You Were Made for More
14 Days
In this two-week plan inspired by entrepreneur and CEO, William Vanderbloemen's "Be The Unicorn,” we take a look at Jesus' message that we were "made for more." We will examine how Jesus and other Biblical characters embody each of the 12 "unicorn" traits and how you, too, can hone these habits. As you read and study, you will realize how Jesus has empowered you to become more than you ever imagined - you were made for more!

Jesus in All of John - A Video Devotional
16 Days
John is all about Jesus! This 16-day plan will walk you through the book of John by reading only 1-2 chapters a day. Each day is accompanied by a short devotional and video that explains what’s happening and shows you how each part of the story points to Jesus and his Gospel.

God’s Answer To Fear, Worry, And Anxiety
18 Days
How can we overcome fear, worry, and anxiety? The Bible has something to say about this and you can have victory by applying God’s truths. Pastor Greg Laurie has written 18 daily devotions to help you overcome fear, worry, and anxiety. Feel free to share them with others you know who want grow in their trust of Jesus Christ. Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie

Deeper Into Scripture: John
21 Days
Deeper Into Scripture is a methodology of scripture reading that instructs, encourages and equips people to read God's Word daily and deeply. We have created a unique four-fold method of bible reading that directs the individual to read a short passage of scripture four times. Each reading is done with a different question, instruction or objective to be considered. This repetitive reading takes us deeply into the Word of God, increases our understanding and draws us closer to Him.

John Reading Guide
21 Days
This reading guide was written to guide you through the book of John in 21 days. Read one chapter each day and spend time with God using the devotionals and questions provided.

Love Renovation
21 Days
TFHNY (The Father's House)The Love Renovation reading plan is a 21 day transformative journey. During this journey, we invite you to dive into the scriptures. Renovation comes through the word of God. This reading plan will take us through the fruits of the spirit, the importance of a healthy mind, body, and spirit, and ultimately propel us forward into a complete heart renovation.

21 Days in the Gospel of John With Levi Lusko
21 Days
This is a 21-day plan chapter by chapter through the gospel of John designed for new believers, but anyone can complete. It's based on teachings by Pastor Levi Lusko of Fresh Life Church.

The Book Of John In Song
21 Days
This 21-day Bible reading plan features 21 devotionals and 21 songs, that have been written from a specific passage in each chapter of the Gospel of John, enabling both, believers and nonbelievers to experience God’s truth in a unique and powerful way.

Thru the Bible -- Gospel of John
21 Days
The Gospel of John, a favorite book of the Bible, gives us the story behind the stories of the Gospels. Though it is one of easiest books to read, John is also one of the most profound books to understand. Let veteran Bible teacher and pastor, Dr. J. Vernon McGee lead you through the entire book in these 21 summaries from Thru the Bible’s tried and trusted five year study.

WORD. A 21-day Reading Plan by Doxa Deo.
21 Days
His WORD Empowers Me. This 21-day reading plan takes you through the book of John. We look at who Jesus was, what He did, and His intimate relationship with His Father. We trust you will personally discover Christ, who you are in Him, grow in your relationship with the Father and what you have been called to as a child of God. Knowing God. Loving People. Impacting your World.

Elevate Book of John Bible Reading Plan
21 Days
This devotional will take you through daily readings to read through the book of John. We encourage you to read each chapter using the S.O.A.P. Method (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer). Scripture - Read the scripture Observation - What stuck out to you from what you read? Application - How can you apply this to your life today? Prayer - Pray to God and ask him to help you live this out We pray that God speaks to you through His Word!