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Journey To The Manger

Dag 68 av 70

He Came for You

As we celebrate Christ’s birth this season, the celebration in our hearts should revolve around the joy of being loved. Through Jesus, the heart of God unashamedly proclaimed His love for you. He chose to come for you!

You have a Savior who is committed to you. He is the friend who sticks closer than a brother—someone connected to you by blood and experience. So when life gets rough, you can rest in the knowledge that He will never, ever abandon you. You are never alone.

As you think about the reason for His coming more than 2,000 years ago, allow the Lord to touch your heart with a renewed sense of His presence. Maybe you’re struggling with a deep hurt, and you wonder how you’ll be able to cope with all that pain. Jesus—Emmanuel—is near to you, and He will walk with you through any trial and comfort you with strength in the midst of any suffering. Let the meaning of His coming into the world bring new hope to your life even now.

Activity: On your bathroom mirror, use a dry erase marker to write the words chosen and accepted. Remind yourself each morning that Jesus chose and accepted you.


Dag 67Dag 69

Om denne planen

Journey To The Manger

På en stille kveld for 2000 år siden, kom engler med nyheten om Frelserens fødsel til en gruppe gjetere som passet på flokken sin, og etter og ha hørt nyhetene, forlot gjeterne alt for å lete etter et spedbarn i en krybbe i Betlehem. Selv etter alle disse årene, har ikke invitasjonen endret seg. Bli med Dr. Charles Stanley idet han hjelper deg å komme nær Frelseren og oppmuntrer deg til å ta tid til å hvile i Faderens kjærlighet denne høytiden. 


Vi vil takke In Touch Ministries for å ha gitt oss denne leseplanen. For mer informasjon, besøk: