1 Timothy: A Strong Man Is CourageousPrøve

1 Timothy: A Strong Man Is Courageous

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God's Limitless Power

In 1 Timothy 4, Paul reminded Timothy that he had a spiritual gift, one uniquely made for the challenges in the church at Ephesus: “Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress” (1 Timothy 4:14-15). Timothy needed to remember his gift and lean on its spiritual power. But for this to happen, he would have to trust God by being immersed in the situation.

This is the challenge I see so many men face. They long to be used by God and to see his supernatural work, but they don’t put themselves in situations where God can use them. They put themselves only in situations where they can trust the limits of their ability, finances, experience, or education to help them succeed. Therefore, this is what they get. They get the limited results of what their ability, finances, experience, and education can achieve.

But men who trust in the Spirit’s work and become familiar with their supernatural gifts get results that blow through the limits of every natural possibility. They discover supernatural events happening in them and through them, for God “is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

This is my hope for you, as it was Paul’s hope for Timothy, I want you to know the limitless power of our mighty God working in and through you. Only one thing needs to happen for this to occur in your life: you must put yourself in a situation that is just beyond your ability, finances, experience, and education, and then you need to trust God.

Then hold on because, on the other side, God is working and waiting for you to know and discover the limitless power of the Spirit in and through you. Where do you need to trust God today? What would it look like to trust the Spirit and not yourself?

God, show me the path to trusting you and unlocking my gifts to serve you and others.

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Om denne planen

1 Timothy: A Strong Man Is Courageous

Timothy was a young man known for being timid. The book of 1 Timothy is a letter from his mentor, the apostle Paul, urging Timothy to be bold in his identity in Christ. Our present time calls for men who will stand up and speak up for what they believe. This devotional urges us, in the words of Paul, to “fight the good fight of faith.”
