[Run to Win] Finishing Well Prøve

[Run to Win] Finishing Well

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Finishing the Race Well

Paul concluded his instructions to Timothy using athletic metaphors to describe his efforts in living the Christian life. He used a boxing metaphor, “I fought the good fight.” Then a running analogy, “finished the race,” and a training metaphor, “keeping the faith,” describe how he had lived a life for Christ.

These are beautiful verses for all athletes, no matter their sport, to describe how to live life. As he had in other letters, Paul used a boxing metaphor to describe fighting for the good things. You can picture him going multiple rounds in the ring against the forces of evil and wickedness, with Paul landing jab after jab. He indeed fought the good fight of life.

Next, Paul described running and finishing the race of life in the context of the good fight. Paul described a well-run race, following Christ, and running where he was directed.

He finally described the conclusion to his life’s work as keeping the faith. He was true through it all—training, competing, and never straying off course or jumping out of the ring. He fought, ran, competed, and finished.

Paul finished the course set before him and ran the noblest race of all, the ministry of the Gospel. He remained true to his faith in Christ and had done his best. Paul spoke of keeping the faith as an excellent summary of a Christian life well spent.

Not every Christian can say the same thing before dying. But Paul could express that he competed in the game of life well and finished the challenge set before him. He now looked forward to receiving the reward for his life’s effort.

Notice that the race does not end with the end of an athletic career; the race is life itself. How are you running the race set before you?

Lord, show me how to run the race of life set before me so that I may echo Paul’s words that I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith. Thank you for the life You have blessed me with.

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[Run to Win] Finishing Well

The Scripture verses used for this devotional have specific references to athletics. Paul was not a spectator but a participant in the most fantastic race of all, the race of the Christian life. He wanted to run it and be rewarded by Jesus at the end of the race. He was focused on the finish line and let nothing distract him from finishing well.
