
30DaysOfBibleLettering - Round 3Prøve

30DaysOfBibleLettering - Round 3

Dag 13 av 30


In Greek, peace means “all essential parts are joined together.” So what this basically tells you is that in God, all essential parts are joined together. In him you have everything that you are longing for. Hope, freedom, pure unconditional love, and shelter.

Whenever you have the feeling you don’t have enough, remind yourself of what you have in God-- a God who says He is your father and wants a personal relationship with you. A father who always listens and never feels bothered. He loves when we call on him. He always has an answer ready.

Maybe you can’t hear the answer, but you may feel peace for it--peace for a situation or a decision. A life with God should never scare you. His peace will bring freedom into your heart--a freedom and peace nothing else can give you.

Lettering text: You may have peace
Dag 12Dag 14

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