How to Be a FinisherPrøve

How to Be a Finisher

Dag 5 av 5

FINISHERS Have Perseverance

Congratulations! You made it to Day 5, and by the time you get to the end of this reading, you will be a FINISHER—at least of this plan.

In pursuing kingdom assignments, there will come a time when we probably want to throw up our hands and yell, “I quit!” There may be an impossible situation, an immovable mountain, or an obstacle we don’t know how to overcome.

That is where perseverance comes in. If we are used to quitting when life gets tough, developing our perseverance muscles will be a real workout. Just like we exercise our bodies to stay in shape, we have to work on our persistence and grit to stay the course when we want to throw in the towel.

Perseverance means that we keep working on our kingdom assignment, even if it’s hard.

Perseverance Takes Grit

Did you know that a pearl starts as a piece of sand or another irritant? It gets caught inside a mollusk, and to protect itself from the irritation, the mollusk secretes a substance that builds layers over time, eventually creating a pearl.

An irritant creates an object of great value. The same happens when we pursue our purpose with passion and perseverance. We run into roadblocks, but we become a little more formidable when we persevere. God uses the hard times as irritants to soften our rough edges and to create something of great value in us. God’s word encourages us to rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. (Romans 5:3-4)

What we survive becomes our new benchmark. Pushing through with persistence means we let God do the work in us that will ultimately polish us like a pearl for our kingdom assignment. Perseverance in our calling can turn us into true FINISHERS.

Questions to Ponder:

Is there an area where you are struggling today?

What does the Bible say about the subject?

Have you asked God to help you in this area yet?

Action Steps: If you face the impossible, take it to the Lord in prayer. He has the answers. Speak God’s word over your circumstances and remember that whatever he has called you to do cannot be undone by man's plans or the enemy; it can only be left undone by you. Choose to press into the Lord and press onward into your purpose with perseverance.

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Dag 4

Om denne planen

How to Be a Finisher

Quitting is the easier path; finishing the assignment God has given you probably takes more guts, grit, and grace than you have on your own. But wherever you are starting from, this five-day plan will encourage you and show you how to become a Finisher for the Kingdom of God!
