Near to the Brokenhearted: How to Heal From Heartbreak God’s WayPrøve

Near to the Brokenhearted: How to Heal From Heartbreak God’s Way

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Let God Define You

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:2-4 NIV

Take a moment to think about everything that is important to you. How does God fit into that list?

Whenever we elevate anything above God, we’re committing idolatry. Not all heartbreak comes from idolatry, but idolatry can lead to heartbreak. That’s why it's important to be aware that nothing can replace God’s place in our hearts. If we idolize something, we risk redefining who God called us to be.

We were created by God, for God. And because we were created for God, who we truly are can only be found when we seek Him. Idolizing something and making it the most important aspect of our lives can change how we define ourselves. 

When we try to define who we are with something that is not God, it’s ultimately going to fail us. It’s like trying to patch a sinking boat with chewing gum—it might work for a very short period of time, but we’re not going to stay afloat unless we patch the hole with something sturdy. In the same way, if we place our identities into something (or someone) we love, we might feel fulfilled for a short time, but it ultimately can’t satisfy us the way Christ will.

Defining ourselves by something other than Christ doesn’t mean we don’t love Jesus. But, our love for Jesus should come before our love for anything else. If our priorities are out of line, He will look for opportunities to remind us of who we truly are. And sometimes, He uses heartbreak to show us this. 

When something we idolize lets us down or is taken from us, it can tear apart our sense of identity—leaving us to pick up the pieces. But, if you allow Him to, God can build you a new and stronger identity. He can take the broken pieces of your life and turn it into something that honors Him and brings Him glory. 


  • Ask God to reveal any idols in your life. 
  • Ask for Him to redefine your identity in Him. 
  • Ask for God to show you how He sees you.
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Near to the Brokenhearted: How to Heal From Heartbreak God’s Way

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