Joy and Strength: Devotions for Grief and LossPrøve

 Joy and Strength: Devotions for Grief and Loss

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Solid Ground

There is no shame in recognizing that you cannot lift yourself out of the trenches of despair on your own. God will not leave you to claw at the flimsy ropes of fleeting hope. In your desperation for relief, call out to the one who calls you by name. He is closer than you realize.

Here he is with mercy’s anchor. He already has his hand under you, ready to lift you up and out of the mire of despondency. You will find your feet on the firm rock of his unchanging nature. Where you have felt stuck, he will carry you out; your feet will find their footing on the bedrock of his strong love once again as you lean on his steady leadership.

My God, be my strong and constant support. I cannot climb my way out of the grief that tears at my soul, but I know I don’t need to. Carry me through until I can stand once more, leaning on your steady countenance.


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 Joy and Strength: Devotions for Grief and Loss

God is the best source of comfort you will find. He knows you better than anyone else does, and he is full of understanding for every situation. Lay your heart at the Father’s feet and wait for his compassionate response. As you read these devotions taken from "Joy and Strength: 365 Devotions for Grief and Loss" let God be your strength as you cry out to him.
