Real Hope: Unchanging Nature Of GodPrøve

Real Hope: Unchanging Nature Of God

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Sometimes things get too big, too much to deal with and the only solution seems to be to run away or hide and deal with them another day. Perhaps we might want someone else to deal with them and fix them all up for us. Running away or pretending that they don’t exist just doesn’t work.

Who can we turn to when we feel like this?

David writes in Psalm 32 that we can turn to God. He is the one on whom we can rely and depend. That brings comfort and certainty. God is there in the midst of the storms, the trouble and the feeling of being overwhelmed.

It reminds me of the hymn from Psalm 46:1 that starts ‘God is our strength and refuge, a very present help in trouble’. He is our ever-present help and He surrounds us with songs of deliverance, like those that can be found in the Psalms. Great songs of how God is our help and protection all the time.

That is comfort and that is joy. What a delight and something we can be truly thankful for as God is with us all the time, no matter what.

written by DAVID BARKER

 Find out more about Hope 103.2 


Dag 4

Om denne planen

Real Hope: Unchanging Nature Of God

Have you ever really thought about the nature of God? If we begin to understand His nature we can be more like Him. As you go through the following readings, our prayer is that you are challenged and changed to be more like God, and that you experience Him in a new way as you deepen your understanding of His unchanging nature.
