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Fearless Girl

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There’s nothing quite like reaching the summit of something you’ve worked so hard for and seemed so far away in the midst of the painful journey. That mountain top experience is glorious and well deserved. I can remember the first time I hiked Half Dome in Yosemite National Park with one of my best friends, Sierra. It took us about five hours to reach the peak and when we got there it was stunning! Tears streamed down our cheeks as we gazed out over the beautiful sequoias and mountain ranges beneath us. Our legs were aching and our bodies were feeling the pain. As beautiful as it was to stand on top of the peak and glory in the moment, we both knew our journey was far from over. It would be a race to get down and we were up against the sun. 

About halfway down the mountain it became pitch black, our knees were barely holding up and every step felt like a pile of bricks were attached to our feet. We had to navigate the trail by moonlight and every second seemed like an eternity. I’ll never forget the moment we finally made it to the bottom and got to sit down. It was 9pm by the time we made it off the trail and we felt like olympic champions for finishing what we set out to do. Though standing at the top of Half Dome felt invigorating, nothing compared to the feeling of completing the hike and reaching the bottom. Sierra and I went to the camp lodge and ate a giant pizza for dinner that night. We reminisced over the journey and though we we’re in pain, it was more than worth it. 

It was a dream of ours to hike Half Dome, but we wouldn’t have fulfilled our dream if we stayed on top of the mountain. We had to make the trek back down and finish what we started in order to move on and conquer the next mountain. I remember meeting some people at the lodge that night who were getting ready to hike Half Dome the next day. We shared our experience and offered tips for the journey, equipping them with everything we learned in hopes they would learn from our wins and losses. Isn’t that the beauty of achieving your dreams or finding freedom from fear? Reaching the bottom of a mountain and equipping others with the tools of success so they also can courageously conquer their fears? Yes! 

So here you are, on the last day of this devotional. Have you recognized your insecurities? Have you taken the steps of faith to face your fear head on? What lies have you been bound to? Has the light of truth opened your eyes? Have you walked out of your prison of fear to experience freedom? If the answer to all of these questions are yes, what now? With your mountain of fear now beneath you, it is now time to lend freedom to those still living in fear, hiding out in their torment. Your journey is not over yet. Now that you have overcome your fear and conquered your mountain, it’s time for you to dig deep into your purpose, achieve your dreams and lend the tools you have learned to others who are facing the same fears that held you back. Your past fears that once towered over you are now beneath your feet and left in the dust of your past. You must journey onward and move into new territory of possessing the promises of God. Your purpose comes alive in new beginnings as you do the hard work of diligence to bring your dream to pass. Now is not the time to settle or give up. It’s time to enter into your destiny and dream bigger dreams. Freedom is yours! Step into a new season, arise to the call on your life, enjoy the adventure and do the things you never dreamed possible. You are fearless, girl!


  1. What are some dreams you have been wanting to achieve, but waiting until you were ‘ready’? Make a list of things you want to accomplish before your next birthday or by the end of this year. Choose a goal off that list and take a step towards making it happen. 
  2. What have you learned from this study and along your journey that you can share with others? Text it to a family member, post it on instagram, make a video about it on your YouTube channel or share it over a coffee with a friend. Don’t withhold the freedom you’ve been given from others who are still locked in a prison of fear. 

This devo has been adapted from our E-course available on our website. If you’re still feeling clouded by the lies of fear, login to the e-course & buy the Unhindered By Fear Book by Esther Marie. We want you to be fully equipped and give your dreams the chance they deserve! Visit www.fearlessco.org/shop to get your copy and start living free from fear today!

Dag 6

Om denne planen

Fearless Girl

Far too often we give up on our dreams because of fear. So we came up with a solution to beat it! Read, watch and follow along our adventure as we road-trip across the state of California guiding you to win against fear so your dreams can have a chance to live!
