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It Is Written

Dag 26 av 31

How to Get a Word

By Robert Morris

When I was 30 years old, I was an associate pastor at a church. As we began adding multiple campuses, the senior pastor asked me to be the pastor of the main campus. I thought, “I’m only 30; I’m not ready to do something like this.” I needed God to tell me if I should take on all that responsibility at such a young age. So I went away and spent some time with the Lord, worshipping, praying and writing. I heard the Lord tell me to read Luke 3. I turned there in my Bible, and in verse 23 it says, “Jesus Himself began His ministry at about 30 years of age.” That word from God confirmed to me I was supposed to accept the new position.

See, God’s Word is eternal. If He spoke it 3,000 years ago, it’s still true today. It’s simple to hear a clear word from God by reading His Word. The first step is to enter His presence. Psalm 100:4 tells us we do this by praising Him. When you feel His presence, that’s when you begin to pray. The amazing thing about that verse is God invites us to make our requests known to Him. If you want to talk about your family, your marriage, which job to take or what school to send your children to, God welcomes your requests. If you don’t get anything else out of today’s devotion, get this: You have a personal relationship with God, and He wants to talk to you.

Now, after you’ve spent some time praising Him and praying, the next step is to open the Bible. A lot of times when I need a word from God, I ask Him where He wants me to read. If a Bible story comes to mind when you’re spending time in God’s presence and praying, read it. If you’re going through a financial problem, read verses about finances and stewardship. If you’re going through a health problem, read verses on health and healing. It helps to write down your prayers and what you hear God saying.

I encourage you to do this every day, and I suggest setting aside 30 minutes each time. If you have 30 minutes to praise, pray and ask for God to make His Word come alive in you each day, it will change your life. Do you have an important decision you need to make? Do you need to know which direction to go in your life? Then get in the Word and make your requests known to Him.


Lord, thank You for letting me make my requests known to You. Thank You that Your Word is alive today and can speak to me and guide me. Allow Your Word to change my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Memory Verse

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

Om denne planen

It Is Written

This 31-day devotional, compiled from teachings by Pastors Robert Morris and Marcus Breechen from Gateway Church, focuses on the importance of having God’s Word in your everyday life. Each day reveals what the Word is—breath, bread, water, a sword, and a lamp—and how it applies to your life. As you read, you’ll be inspired to draw closer to God and hide His Word in your heart daily.
